After arriving at Agartala I went to a cycle shop and assembled my bicycle. Then roamed around the city where King Bir Bikram once ruled. In the evening I visited local police station. The duty officer was handling the case of Sucide. A girl had committed sucide due to study pressure. Education is for wisdom however this type of education which forces one to quit is not at all education.. I really felt so sad and shocked as I had stepped in the police station for the first time.
After writing some reports that police officer welcomed me and asked me to stay at police quarters. I got overwhelmed with the warm welcome by police team and their families when I reached quarters.After lot of talk I went to take rest.
Next day I visited Women's college in Agartala. Students were practicing sport for annual sports day which was on next day. I had a conversation with all of them. Principle madam invited me for the next day event as a special guest. It was really pleasing to attend a college event after so long time and that too at right corner of India where I had never been...!!
I attended the opening ceremony of the programme and made some videos of the same. It was unique experience coz candidates from Tripura were performing in front of me.. I had never thought that I will attend such programme in my life.. But life is always uncertain.. Anything can happen anytime.. If u want to check the video visit my YouTube channel Gypsy tigress.
Later in the noon I visited Tripura tourism office. It's a beautiful place as you can take a view of Ujjayanta palace and lake from the office. In the evening roamed around the city. Despite of being capital of the State Agartala doesn't have much traffic however I noticed that every rider had helmet. People who were driving Scooty also had helmets on their heads. Later I visited Venuvan vihar which is a buddha vihar on VIP road.It's a peaceful place where someone can do meditation. Later I returned to the police quarters had dinner and packed everything to get ready for next day. By looking at the map I decided to go towards south till Indo Bangladesh border.