Bhutan, the land of Thunder Dragon—Druk Yul, is a small Buddhist kingdom hidden in the folds of the great Himalayas and nestled between two large nations, China and India. A magical mountain kingdom, it is known as the happiest place on earth and with good reason. Its picturesque landscapes, historic fortresses and serene temples make Bhutan the closest thing to paradise. Visit this fascinating land of towering peaks, verdant valleys and cheerful people.
All prices are in Indian rupees and subject to change without prior notice.
Price quoted are subject to availability at time of confirmation, we are currently not holding any blocking against the sent quotation.
Tour prices are valid for Indian nationals and foreigners holding Indian resident permit.
Booking confirmations are subject to availability.
Child below two years are non-chargeable.
All hotels rooms are subject to availability.
We are not holding any reservations of air seats, hotel rooms, conference rooms etc. Final availability status will only be known when we request for bookings.
Holiday surcharge will be added if applicable.
The cancellation fee will be charged based on the cancellation date concerning the tour departure date
10 days before departure date: 100% of the package cost
10 to 15 days before departure date: 75% of the package cost and non-refundable component
15 to 30 days before departure date: 30% of the package cost and non-refundable component
Hotel or air: 100% of the package cost, in case of a non-refundable ticket or hotel room
Cruise or visa: On actuals