Here's the list of hotels/Homestays/Camps: In Hampi you can book your stay at Root's Cafe or Chinna's Camping or Hotel Varsha. For Gokarna you may book your stay at I'm beach resort or Beach Beat or HosteLIT backpackers. Do let me know if this was helpful! Happy holidays!
Gokarna - on the beach homestay - Contact Gowrish Nayak +91 94803 66783 Hampi - Virupagadde or hippo island has many homestay and hotels - Contact Sunil - 9849630267
As Gokarna and Hampi are growing as tourism spots, you can find a number of affordable accommodations there. From hotels, guesthouses to hostels -- there is a range of options. I have attached some of the best low-budget options below. You could also go through the guides on these locations posted by other travellers to plan your itinerary. I have added two cards for the articles below too. Hope this was helpful!