Triund Trek

3rd May 2019

Located 18 km from Dharmshala, Triund makes for an attractive trekking destination, with well-defined forest trails and breath-taking views of the entire Kangra valley. Triund is the crown jewel of Dharamshala , situated in the laps of Dhauladhar mountains, it has the perfect view of the Dhauladhar mountains on one side and Kangra valley on the other.

My Experience:

I had been to 2 treks before this with groups. But they always rush us to walk fast or somewhere the time was not enough and I dint enjoy the trek. Everyone has their own views and I wished to walk at peace, enjoying the beauty of the mountains and nature while trekking. So this time I decided not to go with any groups and planned on my own. My husband never went on any treks and always used to say whats there on trek. Hence, wanted to take him on a trek atleast once and get that experience.

We had to go to India for a family function and time was limit so choose Triund trek as it was only 2 days. After googling and getting info from one of my friend, selected crazypeaks where they have private treks also. Enquired with them and booked for 2 of us for trek which included a guide, a tent stay on top of Triund, tea,dinner and breakfast. It costed almost Rs.4000/- for both of us.

For hotel stay at Mcleodganj, was helpful. We can select according to our budget and choice. I normally prefer a decent and budgeted one and not a hifi types.. better save for travel than spend on hotels hehehe!

We took flight from Delhi to Dharmshala. Later a taxi to Dharamkot, McLeod ganj which costed Rs 800. Reached in the evening and since we were tired just had dinner and called the guide who said he would meet the next day mrng and we can start the trek.

The view from the hotel window in the morning was awesome. Saw the sun rise through the mountains and the locals busy with their daily routines.

We had our breakfast, packed what was needed for a day and left with the guide. He gave options either to walk or take an auto or cab till the starting point or base camp, Galu. And we obviously choose to walk, we had come all the way to experience this only right! And it was a coincidence that on the same day, 4th May, 3yrs back i had my knee ligament tear surgery. And it was as if i have come to celebrate. Only after my Knee surgery, I started trekking. 3 yrs, 3 treks.. Valley of flowers, Tungnath and Triund. Grateful to God for showing this side of the nature.

Started at around 9.30am and reached the entry point at 11.15am. The way was just mind blowing. Walked on the roads, then passing through a blend of Deodar, Rhododendron and Oak forests. After giving our names at the check point, they even ask how many plastic things we are taking so that while returning it has to be shown and dumped in trash. We continue the trek to Triund. Since it was a weekend, it was crowded. Trekking for some is just like meditation and for some, it is just fun. Triund Trek is for all kinds of travellers. It is a trek where you can enjoy the nature at its best and also take your dear ones along, even kids can try if they are interested in trekking. The awe-inspiring beauty of the mountains in Triund will take your mind to a dreamland for sure!

The first 5kms was not that was rocky as we went in the month of May and slightly steep but not tough to climb. There are many small shops to take breaks, for tea, maggi. One interesting thing which I saw was refilling of water instead of buying water bottles. We must carry our own water bottles instead of simply buying and littering in the nature. Never ever miss having maggi and ginger-lemon tea on mountains. Its the best refreshing while trekking.

Another thing what I noticed was people playing loud music on speakers while trekking. Its really disturbing others who are walking. If at all they want to enjoy the music, there is an option called Headphones/earplugs. Some of us go all the way to the mountains to just be in the nature, listen to its music. The birds chirping, the sound of the insects, the sound of the wind and trees dancing to its tunes, soothing sound of waterfalls and so many small small things that we miss in our concrete jungle. Even after the boards have the Dos and Donts, these educated people really dont understand the value of nature. If someone comes to your house and throws tantrums, will you be happy? Moreover few people have no common sense and just keep shouting nonsense. Would request the readers and future trekkers not to spoil the beauty of nature. The silence of nature says a lot of things and when we go there, we can listen to our SELF. Its like a meditation and stress reliever. Please take care of what you are doing while in trek. Coz its not easy for everyone to keep going on trek. It takes lots of efforts and one must respect each other by not disturbing with noisy music and shouting/screaming.

The last 2-3km of the trek after a glacier, is tricky and slightly tough as there are 22 curves which is also steep. People do climb shortcuts but one must be really very careful as we never know which rock is strong and which is about to fall. Never risk on such things. Have seen guys falling and hurting their legs and their journey becomes difficult as we are neither on top to rest nor at the base camp. Also you may spoil the fun of the others who accompany you.

We reached Triund top at about 4.30pm. The view of the snow capped Dhauladhar range just in front of us is mesmerizing. We forget all the tiredness and just sit in peace. Everyone has their own experience. Having a hot cup of tea refreshes and you get lost into another world seeing the beauty of mountains. Tent was set and since its cold up there, we put on all the warm clothes and watched the sunset. We can also see the city down. About 8pm dinner was served. Rotis, veg sabji, dal and rice. Hatsoff to these people who get the provisions and water from down everyday. For the first time I dint take my camera as I always wanted to just enjoy the nature as it is! Stared at the sky that was full of stars. God created such a beautiful world that we forget in our routine life.

After a good nights sleep in the tent, got up early in the morning to see the sunrise. We had hot tea and aloo paratha for breakfast. Our guide told us to start the walk down to base camp by 8am. Walking down was not that tough.. It was rather enjoyable. Only thing we need to be careful not to run and fall. On the way, we can see mules carrying provisions to the shops. Every shop is set at a km distance. So it is really easy for us to know how many km are left. There was a mixed feeling while coming back. Happy feeling as we have done the trek, a little sad that we are going back to the routine life full of stupidity hahahaha! But, we have no choice than to return! The beautiful morning with the chirping birds, wild flowers swaying with the bees on it, the mountains.. these incredible beauty cannot be measured with any thing. That feeling only has to be felt and experienced.

Met few people on the way, few seniors, few juniors. There is so much learning in meeting different kind of people. When you meet, you learn, analyze yourself, you start seeing the world and life in a different way.You grow and understand that this life has so many shades. By the time I have realized that it is difficult to capture real beauty and real people in camera. This is something which you can feel only on ground level. We need to go and talk to people. You need to get into their stories to know them and to understand that everybody is made up of strange stories. None is afraid of anything these days. Everyone mingles up and shares their life experiences. Sometimes, we end up having deep conversations with a stranger too. Travel and exploring are never about clicking pictures..its about real people with real experiences, unlearning what society has taught you and learning new way of life to understand that.. Life is beautiful.

Lots of memories and a heart full of satisfaction of doing a solo trek. None to force me to go fast, none to wait to make me feel guilty about my pace. Overall the best solo trek till date. Hope to go on such solo treks in future too.

We stayed in a hotel for a night and next day had flight back to Delhi.

If anyone planning for this, keep a day to visit other places in Dharmshala.

Wishing everyone healthy and safe treks. Have a great time.

Thanks for reading!

General info:

Best Time To Visit Triund Trek:

Triund trek is accessible throughout the year, except during January and February. Heavy snowfall during these months cut off some sections of the trekking route. The best time to visit Triund is from March to June because of the cozy and comfortable weather and clear views. The weather in Triund is cool and comfortable round the year, except for chilly winter months.

Duration: 1 night, 2 days

Triund Trek Height: 2,850m above sea level

Triund Trek Starting Point: Galu

Triund Trek Distance:

7 km (from Mcleodganj to Bhagsu village) | 3 km (from Bhagsu Village to Triund)

Difficulty Level:

Easy to moderately challenging, popular among adventure enthusiasts of all ages.

The trek involves gradual to steep ascents that even amateurs can cover. And since the Mcleodganj to Triund distance is not much, it is not very exhausting either. The trek comprises of undulating and steep but well-defined trails through the lush forests of green rhododendron and oak trees. So, there need not be any hassle about how to reach Triund or getting lost in the way. The first 5 km of the Triund trek are simple. Thereon, the Triund trek route gets steep and requires a sturdy walk. This stretch is popularly known as 22 curves because of the 22 sharp curves en route.

However, if you are trekking during winters, the trek becomes slightly difficult due to the presence of snow on the otherwise firm and well-defined path.

Things to carry:

Water Bottle

Munching Dry Fruits, Chocolates or Energy Bars.




Hiking pole

camera or phone

Fitness Tracker to Track your Hike or Trek

Medical/ first-aid kit

Sunscreen, Sunblocks, and Lipbalms to prevent sunburns


trekking shoes and tracks for your comfort

Happy Trekking! Be safe and enjoy life!