Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home!

26th Apr 2021
Photo of Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home! by The Broke Doc

Are you like me who likes to watch MasterChef but lazy to try those recipes. I know the art of cooking can take a while to master but you know what you can master? These Six 3-ingredients desserts from around the world so you can impress your partner/friends/family next time when you enter the kitchen and say those magical words "I'm gonna take you around the world"

1. Spanish Custard / Flan De Naranja

Photo of Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home! 1/6 by The Broke Doc


- Sugar

- Orange Juice

- Eggs

2. French Creme Brulee

Photo of Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home! 2/6 by The Broke Doc


- Sugar

- Egg Yolk

- Vanilla Ice cream

Pro Tip - In the end of the video, If you're like most people and don't have a blow torch, get a spoon then put it over a flame for a good bit (60 seconds to 2 minutes ) and just rub it over the sugar. Make sure you're wearing an oven mitten or something like that, then just rub it in a circular motion.

3. Italian Coffee Dessert / Affogato

Photo of Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home! 3/6 by The Broke Doc


- Instant Coffee

- Vanilla Ice Cream

- Choco powder (optional)

- Nuts (optional)

4. Turkish Pudding / Supangle

Photo of Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home! 4/6 by The Broke Doc


- Maida

- Milk

- Sugar

- Cocoa powder

- Dark Chocolate

I know the list of ingredients is more than 3 but its equally easy to make.

5. Japanese Cheese Cake

Photo of Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home! 5/6 by The Broke Doc


- White Chocolate

- Cream Cheese

- Eggs

6. Bengali Mishti Doi

Photo of Even You Can Make These Six Easy 3-Ingredients Only International Desserts at Home! 6/6 by The Broke Doc


- Milk

- Curd

- Sugar

Instead getting bored at home, try to master these recipes so you can brag about them later coz this is your first step towards being an 'International Chef'. Do tell me in the comments if you know any other recipe so that I could add that to my culinary skills.

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