
He likes recoil like that first time shooting a 338 never shot a 338 before yeah yeah you know basically I'm a 30 Cal 30 Cal guy 30 Cal that's the way to roll rock and roll yep yeah she looks doubt you know it what is it rocking that up though it's bumping off my front tripod there but other than that it feels like coming straight back yep let me get a little more backed up so I can see this hot recoil I like to see that see how much it's bumping me because all I have is a blur kind of follow-up shot you know without a muzzle break anyway well I don't kick that at all it's a spicy cap oh my god just get that follower fixed yep so what option are you running here we've got the mill dot and it's set up for a minute of angle I got it from a friend of a friend I traded a rifle for that scope way back when I've had it since early 90s yep and this is the second rifle I've had on we headed on a 308 before the freeway prices in check out running to knock belief way up a shuffle my brother that's what he is is he likes the police I was in stock with every combi I like you know this is adjustable so yeah normally I don't run this type of stock yep and I haven't messed with it this one's just off the shelf it seems okay to me okay well there's something I can do but she came to recoil down plenty for you huh yeah so yeah I wanted to shoot it without the muzzle brake just to see how it would be yep um yeah I just unthread that and put it on there and just check it out but basically the main thing is you just take the nail file out of your purses the problem yeah that's like single shot you know really other than that I got about a wench group out there I think which is all I really hope for bro back me rifle and then on those TP ventures shooting rifle shooter they got another call callback figure that out let's try it with a couple like you said and it was working with a couple yeah I when I jammed in a shells okay so it works with the three for sure but still I mean you gotta have two shells in there yep guys had follower design yeah looks kind of I know I didn't see a lot of rifles built like that hmm how's the recoil awful ah awesome these are only two twenty five reward I'm sure if I go other 250 granny Levi be nirvana haha she's shooting pretty good down there I'm thinking for about an inch it's off to the left I already adjusted for that okay so the next shot should be on that on the center you know okay so we're out there on the range .

He had a Weatherby mark 5 yes is that what that was sir okay so can you tell us a little bit about the setup there yeah Weatherby mark 5 Leopold 10 power m1 ultra scope okay loads were Nosler 225 grain a cube on which I just wanted to break you know use the break in the barrel sure is that the first time you fired that rifle first time okay and you left it comes with a muzzle break correct yes and you left the muzzle break that off I just want to see how would how would she without the muzzle break and what the recoil was like sure a little apprehensive in the first shots I never shot a 338 before yep so I was a little worried but it's nothing okay okay yeah yeah and sorry you can leave the muzzle brake off you think oh I'll just it later without the muzzle break again and then I'm gonna put the muzzle brake on just to test the difference okay performance out of it yep yeah there are some advantages to not having other muzzle brakes I don't like I'm not a muzzle brake kind of guy so I can shoot without one yep I usually do okay yeah I just uh erase that whole variable right and the whole concussion to the sinus effect exactly overpressure effects I want the noise going away from me not at me yeah I'll put up with the recoil it seemed pretty comfortable very comfortable the stock I'm unsure about that stock you know what what model stock it is I really didn't do any research I just bought the thing off the rack so yep okay but I liked it I never shot that setup before it's not really a hunting rifle I normally shoot hunting rifles or in ones where a ours yep but the only problem I had with the rifle was it wasn't picking up the next round out of the magazine okay my concern my flat follower yeah it has a warranty right so yeah I'm pretty sure it has a warranty so if they honor it I'll send it back and when I get it back off I'll test it again okay sure sure yeah I'm sure before they released a design from the factory they had it feeding I'm sure so yeah they something but he gives you a shooting chart where the shots hit you know what they're with their load which was a Hornady load 250 grain okay and it was minute of angle on their chart so I'm sure I had to feed that animal is that what about what it was shooting just stopped the bench there you know I only shot seven shots to Welcome to CPA Strength, This is Jonathan Dorn licensed CPA in the state of Florida let's get it in, I want to show you, one of the you the only accounting equations - you're going to ever need, this is day one stuff and this Will help you carry through to a CPA if you choose to be one I still write it on my papers although this what I'm going to write down is ingrained in my mind forever so let's get it started what what you're going to want to write is DC / ADE / LER so you got that DC/ADE/LER just somehow memory ize that I don't care how you're going to write it just memorize it ok ok are you going to do it just do it so why is it important we'll be right back up already back up over here DC a blur and remember it here we're going to debit these for debit let's see this for credit debit it credit now accounting these were always always going to equal of it's going to equal the credit it's kind of small. You have to see the Debit it's very important Debit Debit Now in the accounting world Debits equal the credits always always always always always so now for the Debit side we've got the aid got the ADE and then for the credit side we've got LER L E R DC/ADE/LER DC/ADE/LER on ADE we have assets and then we have Draw (Withdrawal) ok then we have for the e expenses all right, now for the credit for the credit side with LER we have Y L I A B I L I T Y you got your EQUITY all right you got your REVENUE you spell - oh ok so that's what you got now this is all you'll ever need and it it totally works this is day one stuff you just have to go with the flow for a while when you're first starting now ok but DC/ADE/LER I have an accounting degree from Florida Atlantic University state of Florida gave me a CPA license and i still use this so although it's in my head but I think I was going to end this one up just learned this write this down subscribe to the page if you like this like it we have lots more we are going to have a whole series going to the whole steps of income statement balance sheet so subscribe to the page see more cpa strength