1) Those Colorful skies !

2) Use HDR for Landscapes and Backlight
Have you ever found objects appearing black in photos, especially during light from back. Just turn on HDR and click it. Bravo ! you just got a better picture. HDR is also very helpful in capturing landscapes, they bring out the true colors of landscapes

3) Tilt it ! Just a little more..!
This is something I see a lot of people doing wrong. No matter how beautiful the scene is, a tilted photo ruins is all. If you have grids(those vertical and horizontal lines on camera app) turn it on right away. Whenever clicking, try to keep objects like poles, wires, doors and more such objects perpendicular or parallel to the plane.
4) Keep it symmetrical, Keep it in center
Always try to find symmetry in your frame. Having symmetry or mirror views in your images makes it extremely eye catching. Even if you don't find a perfect symmetry try to keep it in center.

5) Rule of Thirds, nothing rocket science..
A fairly easy and useful one. Just keep your subject on those points of intersecting lines. If you are capturing a long or large subject, keep the subject along those lines and you'll see the magic. Its psychologically more mesmerizing. Don't believe me ? Try it yourself.

6) Avoid Objects; Try angles
Focus on what matters. Its exactly what you should follow. Just avoid unnecessary objects in your photo. For example- while shooting landscapes there is no need to involve people or a tree in between. Try to photograph at different angles even if you think you just got the perfect shot. Always believe your best is one you are about to take.
7) No flashes please !
Give some rest to the flash. Don't use flash until really necessary. Flashes make the photo look unnatural and very flat. Moreover it takes the picture away from its original temperature and colors. Using flash in daylight is a serious crime to me !
8) Burst it out !
This is probably the most useful and simple hack to capture emotions and those perfect candid shots. Don't just settle for one shot, when in good lighting always take burst shot (hold the shutter button you use to capture photos for a few seconds). This gives you the flexibility to choose from a number of images. But beware never do this in low light.