The Most Common Erectile Dysfunction Treatments and Drugs


There are many different kinds of treatments and remedies available for the treatment of various conditions, including the various types of sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Let's talk about erectile dysfunction first, it is a condition that has symptoms such as weaker erections, and a gradual decrease in sexual desire without any obvious reason behind it. Some men experience a complete absence of erections even when they are aroused properly if they suffer from erectile dysfunction.

There are a variety of conditions and factors that can make a man suffer from erectile dysfunction, such as diabetes, clogged blood vessels, and arteries, narrowing of the blood vessels. This condition can also be caused due to excessive smoking, drinking, and substance abuse.

Given that this condition could be the result of a variety of causes, all the treatments offered for this condition are based on the causes and if the root cause of the condition is completely treated, only then the treatment can be successful.

Usually, the first form of treatments that are prescribed to you by your doctor is oral medications for erectile dysfunction, which are often the PDE5 inhibiting drugs.

The first-ever drug used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction was Sildenafil citrate, and the use of brands that contain Sildenafil citrates such as Cenforce 100 is still popular and prevalent.

Sildenafil citrate offers relief from erectile dysfunction for about four hours, and it gives maximum benefits if the cause of the condition is narrowing of the blood vessels, low production of nitric oxide due to the presence of the PDE5 enzyme as well as poor blood supply to the penile region upon arousal.

There are various brands of Sildenafil citrate which are available in the form of oral tablets such as Fildena 100, but there are many men who do not like to swallow tablets. Such men tend to prefer edible Sildenafil citrate Jelly.

Apart from Sildenafil citrate, there are other PDE5 inhibiting drugs such as Avanafil and Vardenafil which also offers relief from erectile dysfunction for about 5 to 6 hours of time respectively. Just like Sildenafil citrate, Avanafil and Vardenafil also are prescribed to be used as when a man requires to have sexual intimacy with his partner and needs relief from erectile dysfunction.

Tadalafil stands apart from the other PDE5 inhibiting drugs, even though it belongs to the same class of drugs because it offers longer hours of relief than the other PDE5 inhibiting drugs. All the brands of erectile dysfunction medication that contain Tadalafil offer you relief from the condition for about 36 hours, thereby earning the famous nickname, "the weekend pill".

These are the drugs often used as oral treatments of erectile dysfunction in men, from there are many other forms of treatments available for access as well.

Some men who suffer from severe heart conditions are advised against the use of PDE5 inhibiting drugs for their treatment, and they prescribed penile pumps which helps them in achieving erections.

While it is true that using penile pumps every time a man needs to make love may feel inconvenient at times, it is still an effective treatment for many men.

Photo of The Most Common Erectile Dysfunction Treatments and Drugs 1/1 by edstoreusa

Lack of enough testosterone, which is the male sex hormone in the body of men, then it can lead to erectile dysfunction in men, and such as cause will need a diet that promotes the production of testosterone or direct penile injections of testosterone for the treatment of erections.

Some men suffer from severe erectile dysfunction which may need surgical intervention or even penile implants, these treatments may cost more but the results can last of a few months or even a year or more at times.

Apart from these treatments, you can also speed-up your recovery by doing activities and eating food items that promote blood circulation across your whole body as that keeps your body as well as your sexual organs healthy.

It is interesting to note that just as certain diseases such as diabetes often bring erectile dysfunction with it, you are more likely to suffer from premature ejaculation if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

This sexual dysfunction makes a man ejaculate prematurely, often within seconds of physical contact with your female's private organs and it can be quite distressing for you as well as your partner.

The drug Dapoxetine is prescribed for the treatment of premature ejaculation, but you can also use combination medications such as Super Avana and Super Vilitra, which comes gives you the benefit of Sildenafil citrate as well as Dapoxetine in one tablet, treating both the sexual dysfunction with the use of one single tablet.

There are combination tablets of almost every PDE5 inhibiting drug and Dapoxetine, including Tadalafil such as Vidalista 20 and Vilitra 20 gives you 36 hours of relief from both the sexual dysfunction in one go.