Asia travel

4th Feb 2020
Photo of Asia travel by Mike Hammelton

Asia is the largest in area, as well as the most densely populated part of our planet. Its countries lie in an impressive range of geographical latitudes - from the tundra to the equatorial tropics. A diverse climate over the millennia provoked the formation of various cultures. Actually, it is the diversity, originality, and dissimilarity of the lifestyle of Asian peoples that attract tourists. Therefore, the story of a trip to Asia can be safely called a trip around the world.

The millennial history of many Asian countries has shaped its values ​​that are residents of Europe or Americaseem incomprehensible. And the incomprehensible is always attractive. In addition, Asians have a lot to learn - for example, slowness, the ability to enjoy the moment and the ability to appreciate what you have. The relaxation of the Asians led to many jokes. In one of them, travelers warn that in Thai time, five minutes is a few hours. Observing the lifestyle, lifestyle, and culture of the locals is a vast travel destination in Asia. True, one should respect the orders and restrictions adopted in one or another Asian country so as not to provoke a negative attitude towards oneself by incorrect behavior. Asia meets the traveler with picturesque nature, magnificent landscapes and all the conditions for a quality vacation. Rest here can be described by the very appropriate word "sound". Peace and bliss

The flora and fauna of Asia is also very diverse. We admit that someone will not be pleased with the abundance of noisy and large insects in the corners of the wild, but for the most part they are safe for humans. Most of the locals are distinguished by hospitality, a positive attitude towards travelers. They live in close contact with nature, sometimes having nothing but a thatched hut and a plot of land where they grow vegetables, fruits and rice, and at the same time are happy. Special attention should be paid to the Asian food culture, surprisingly natural and clean. In Asia, refrigerators are rarely used, and food is prepared only from fresh, natural products, in rare cases, maintaining their freshness with ice. The basis of the diet of local residents is vegetables, fruits, cereals, and in coastal regions - seafood. A few crops a year means no chemicals. The abundance of spices in Asian dishes is a kind of disinfection. After such a trip, you will definitely want to write an essay about this, if you have difficulties in writing, contact for help

As for various diseases and exotic infections, mass epidemics were forgotten here in the Middle Ages. Asian medical institutions have good equipment and excellent specialists, and many herbs are based on natural herbs.

Asia can rightfully be proud of its world famous sights. Among them - a monument of architecture created by human hands, an unsurpassed in scale - the Great Wall of China. Sparkling white marble, the Indian mausoleum of the Taj Mahal keeps the memory of great love. The numerous palaces and temples of India , Cambodia, Myanmar are unique, attractive and worthy of the closest attention of travelers.

Traveling to Asia guarantees freshness, brightness and a variety of impressions, no matter what sphere of life you are interested in.