Inhambane is one of Mozambique's most popular provinces - not only for its rich history but also for being one of the nation's most soothing places.
With its iconic swathes of coconut trees (which have incidentally become a running joke amongst people of other parts of Mozambique) and pearly waters, very few can resist the allure of its largely untainted virgin beaches. Scenic bays are hidden in the coves of Inhambane, and a daring traveller can often stumble upon absolute gems of nature.
As coconut trees do not have much foliage, walking through the masses of trees that dominate the MaNhambana (the correct term to refer to things from Inhambane) landscape is literally a breeze. Gusts of fresh sea air tickle your face, calling you out to swim in the safe, shallow waters of the shores. A variety of fruit trees adorn the gaps left by the tall coconut trees, giving the entire area a soothing, verdant appeal.
The seas are extremely silent and can be lain in for hours upon hours, with time and conscience merely seeming to merge into a single essence that is completely absorbed by the sea. The salty water and sand massage every inch of one's body, and the sand is soft and dry enough (on the shore) to relax in for long periods of time. Friendly fish come to peer at visitors to their seas, but they hastily turn away, leaving you to completely immerse yourself in the sea's presence.
The lagoon in Inhambane is an absolute treat for divers, as you get a chance to see a mosaic of multi-coloured fish all dancing with one another in perfect harmony.
Inhambane is a truly gorgeous oasis for sea-loving people.