Why Should every Indian women travel abroad alone, atleast once in their lifetime ?

Photo of Why Should every Indian women travel abroad alone, atleast once in their lifetime ? by Ritabrata Ghosh

The rebel inside you has got to be a loud one if you’re an Indian women wanting to take a solo trip abroad. Most parents, husbands and in-laws rarely see the point to be encouraging enough about it. To be honest, most Indian women don’t consider travelling alone to be their idea of a perfect holiday. It takes a lot of courage to even think of travelling alone as a female in India. But here are some reasons why travelling abroad solo has to find a place on the bucket list of every Indian women.


Exploring, experimenting and just being are not a part of our desi upbringing. We don’t take gap years to ‘figure out’ what we want to do with our lives. We don’t drink, smoke or kiss in public without the thought of our parents (and extended families) flipping out. Some of the girls don’t even buy clothes without mum’s approval. We probably don’t realise that the don’ts weigh us down as much as they do. Strangers in a brand new environment don’t have the same parameters as people back home. It’s the perfect chance to be your wicked self and to try things you haven’t done before!

Photo of Why Should every Indian women travel abroad alone, atleast once in their lifetime ? 1/5 by Ritabrata Ghosh


We Indians take immense pride in belonging to a culture that upholds the institution of marriage and the idea of having an honourable day job, like no other. In doing that we often judge single 40-year-olds, sit-at-home dads, gay and lesbian relationships and those who wait tables for a living. If you venture out overseas, you’ll realise that the Indian worldview can be a bit limiting. Cultures abroad value merit and hard work a lot more than one’s social stature or sexual orientation. Of course, with the exception of racism, people on the whole are a lot less judgemental of one another.

Photo of Why Should every Indian women travel abroad alone, atleast once in their lifetime ? 2/5 by Ritabrata Ghosh


Ever wondered why Indian women go fully clothed to the beach? Is it because you care too much about bulging out of your swimwear? Or because you’re too shy of our own husbands and of what other men at the beach might think of you. I’ve always failed to understand this. All around the world (except the Middle East maybe) women of all sizes, of all ages enjoy the sun and sand in outfits that are practical. Who cares about flab and cellulite under water? Or above it? And if you’re a shy girl, there’s no better place to bring out your modest swimsuit than a pristine beach abroad, where literally no one’s looking at you! Fat, thin, stretch marked, wrinkled - women abroad are so comfortable in their skin that you’ll feel jealous.

Photo of Why Should every Indian women travel abroad alone, atleast once in their lifetime ? 3/5 by Ritabrata Ghosh


Finding your way through a foreign city, dealing with immigration officers, asking strangers for help, taking a flight/train to a place off the beaten track - you’ve gotta be alert and on your feet to do all this. Men naturally take charge of these situations on family holidays. But being your own master and taking risks can be exhilarating. A bit daunting, but exciting for sure! Not only will you get better at reading maps but also learn a great deal about yourself.

Photo of Why Should every Indian women travel abroad alone, atleast once in their lifetime ? 4/5 by Ritabrata Ghosh


If you’re still wondering why solo travel trumps globetrotting in the company of friends and family, here’s the real reason. You are in total control and can do what’s important to YOU. In the company of others, we curb our personalities and preferences to an extent for the sake of collective convenience. Also, it’s a great way to take time off from being a friend, wife, mother, daughter etc and just be you! When was the last time you did that?

Photo of Why Should every Indian women travel abroad alone, atleast once in their lifetime ? 5/5 by Ritabrata Ghosh

Solo travel is easier and safer than you think and you need it more than you know. So ladies, get going!

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