Today I will share something that no one knows other than me. It’s been more than a decade since my college started. I know most of us have done really stupid things during our college lives but mine is the dumbest of all. Now, after years, When I think of it. I laugh at myself thinking how stupid I was. I am disclosing it for the very first time in my life to anyone. This was the year 2008 when I got admission into one of the most expensive private university in the country. It was just few days to my colleges and I was enjoying and was really happy. I met a variety of people coming from different parts of the world. When I used to hang out with them. I used to have this inferiority complex all the time. Whenever, they asked me out for hanging out in a restaurant or to watch a movie, I always tend to make an excuse and escape because I didn’t have money for all that. May be, that’s the reason I don’t have any college friends who are still in touch with me. So, I decided to do something about to make them feel like I am cool 😜 that time, Nokia had launched their Nokia N95 which was worth about 28000 INR. That’s lot of money during that time. I had a friend from neighbor hood who had a mobile shop and he used to have the Dummy Mobiles with him. So, Sometimes I used to show off those dummy mobile in college pretending talking over the phone. No one till date even realised I did this for two years and they never noticed. 😝Now, when I think of this! It feels so stupid and dumb. There are a lot of things that I wish I didn’t in the past but to be honest, If I didn’t do those things in the past I wouldn’t be standing right here right now as to who I am today!! After all, at least I have one interesting story to you today. 😁.Be stupidBe crazyBut always learn by time....What is your interesting college story?...#brijtravels #hellotravelo #collegelife #blogger #delhiblogger #chandigarghblogger #bloggerstyle #blogpost #memories #college #traveller #travelblogger #foodblogger #life #lifestyle #foodies #travel #travelingram #travelphotography #travelgram #himachal #himachalpradesh #storytelling #storyteller