Travel related facts if you are Traveling To a Foreign Country.
This is group related to travel so I hope everyone is intersted in travelling.
So I will try to share few points which I discovered from my experience which I think would help fellow or aspiring travellers who wants to travel on their own to explore this beautiful planet.Btw if you are someone who only travels for selfies or social media then this post won't be interesting or useful for you.
I have been traveling for quite a long time have been to many places around the world hence it's my personal view you might differ with me and that's fine.. So here it goes..
* Define your reason behind traveling to perticular place or country.If you have this one clear in your mind then you don't need to ask about itinerary and what to do there.you can easily draw your own travel plan as the Internet is full of informations. Read them, learn them, explore those places on map. Doing all these research will give you lots satisfaction and fun.
* Booking flight tickets is most expensive part of travelling to some foreign land. Hence use few apps like skyscanner, we go, Google flights etc to check for best airfare. Try to book flights in middle of the week it's generally cheaper. While buying tickets try using VPN this sometimes helps to reduce the flight fare.
* Cash is always helpful in US Dollars they are accepted almost everywhere. But you can also keep some amount in your Debit card and can withdraw money from VISA atm. VISA has better acceptence than Mastercard.Having credit cards is an added advantage. Helps in many ways.Try not to exchange money from airports as they have very bad exchange rates.
* Local SIM card is must whenever you visit some country. This helps you connect with the world as well as find your way to any destination on the planet.Try to download the maps of the places where you are visiting. That's helps you to navigate offline.
*Public Transport is a great choice it not saves you lots of money but also gives you a chance to peek into the lives of the locals.Else cabs are always there as back up.
*Be polite and gentle with the locals. It's better not to discuss Political and Religious discussion with people and draw unnecessary attention.Dont forget you represent your country they look into your country via you. Try to put a positive impact.And of course do respect the local rules and customs no matter how strange or stupid it may seem.
*Dont look for Indian food. Not only they will be expensive but not tasty at all. Instead try local food or if that's not your thing then look for cup noodles, bread butter and burgers. They are available almost everywhere.
*Try to book a hotel near to a metro station when in big city. This will not only save you time and money but also will find supermarkets nearby.
*Passport is your main document don't handover it to anyone. Take special care about it at all times. It's always advisable to carry it with you always. In the case of lost passport feel free to contact with the nearest indian embassy they can issue dublicate passport so that you can leave the country.
*Read a lot about the country or places you are visiting, geography of that place must be very much easy for you and read some history about the country. These small things helps a lot
For now I could only think of these points. Maybe if I can make some other points will share. Till then keep exploring.