Someone has said "Don't climb mountains so that the world can see you,climb it so that you can see the world." And While I was headed towards the top of Salher fort,I genuinely found out what this sentence means.I felt so surreal while walking towards the summit.And at the top,I realised that climbing mountains has never been about others.It has always been about myself and Being at the top of Salher only reiterated this Truth.
So,How do you Go to Salher..?
-Salher is accessible by two main base villages.Salherwadi and Waghambe.Maldar is also base village but the route is quite longer than the other two.I will suggest you to ascend from Salherwadi and Descend into Waghambe Village through the ridge between Salher-Salota Fort.
You Have to Go to Nashik From Both Pune And Mumbai and from Nashik you have to reach Taharabad.As this place lies on the route to Nandurbar,there are lot of MSRTC Buses going towards it. From Taharabad also public transport is pretty frequent and also very affordable.

Things to see :
1) Entrances Carved Out of Natural Rocks
-The best Part about the fort is intricately carved Entrances which will take your breath away by their intricate designs and Top notch Accuracy.

2) Well Carved Stairs upto the top:
-There are at least 3-4 stages of stairs that Makes you love this fort even more.This stairs are also the reason why you keep trying to catch your breath After every 10 minutes😅. Stairs will check your endurance. But that's what makes this fort more beautiful.

3) Gangasagar Lake :
-One of it's own kind Gangasagar Lake is A beautiful artificial lake which depicts the level of artistry amongst that time.Theres a small temple also which is in ruined state but still worth a visit.

4) Water Cisterns
- Like every other fort of Maharashtra,This fort also has enough Water cisterns on it.As I was here in the monsoon,water cisterns were at their best.

5)Parshuram Temple
-This is the Highest Point of the fort and eventually the highest point on The fort of Maharashtra.This is the Point Where You'll be proud Yourself.This is the moment to tap your back.And Believe me,view from this point is the best I've ever seen From the top of any fort.

6) View Of the Salota Fort
-Salota is a twin fort of Salher and Looks like a silent Monk whose silence intimidates you.If you love adventure,you simply can't resist yourself from going to this fort.This intimidating view of fort can be seen while you are descending Into the Ridge Between this twin fort.

Overall,Salher is something you have to do if you have to check your endurance. If you want to find out what it takes to be at the top of something,this is something you should go for.Salher isn't only about being at the top,it's about knowing what it takes to be there.Its about knowing the value of Success and Prize of the Hardwork.Top of the Salher is the celebration of your Endurance and Hardwork.Salher is the Celebration of Feeling Of being successful.Its Celebration of Life and Every obstacle that comes along with it..!
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