3 Must Visit Places In Kashmir


I am the CEO of A&H machinery (a k cup filling machine manufacturer), I spend most of my free time traveling, there are a few places I highly recommend everyone to visit.

1. Lolab

Lolab is a stunning oval-formed valley of rich timberland regions, green glades, rice fields, new springs, wooden houses with tinned rooftops and wonderful peach, pecan, apple, cherry and apricot plantations. Also, the most awesome aspect - it is liberated from vacationers.

Area: In the Kupwara locale, 115 km or 3 hours from Srinagar

Instructions to Get Here: Hire a confidential taxi or take a neighborhood transport or shared taxi

Where To Stay: Camp in Lolab or remain in government facilities in Chandigham, which is 5 to 6 km in front of Lolab

2.Gurez Valley

Gurez is a valley found somewhere down in the snow-covered mountains and is one of the most mind-blowing spots to visit in Kashmir. Because of weighty snowfall, the valley stays cut off for something like a half year in a year. The way to the Gurez Valley is broken and troublesome, yet the shocking landscape and the lofty Habba Khatoon top make it totally worth the agony. Exceptional consent is expected to step into this valley that can be gotten from the police headquarters at Bandipur, which is en route to Gurez.

Area: Around 123km from Srinagar, through the Bandipura and Razdhan Pass

Instructions to Get Here: Get a common taxi for Rs 250 from Srinagar

Where To Stay: At the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development Corporation inn in Dawar or tents in Gurez

3.Tulail Valley

Tulail Valley is a treat for photographic artists and travelers. This immaculate valley is home to lavish green and earthy colored fields, potato and cumin manors and various wildflowers, and is encircled by piles of every kind that change tone as indicated by how the daylight falls on them. You make certain to be entranced!

Area: 30km from the Gurez Valley

Step by step instructions to Get Here: Private taxi

Where To Stay: A visitor house at Shekhpora, a major town in Tulail