"Go safe , move safe , stay safe , leave safe " !
India is a pulsating mix of culture ,traditions and spirituality and it is a destination that offers remarkable diversity to travellers. But staying healthy while travelling is also important. So here are some ideas to stay safe while travelling . So have a look on this before your bagpack !
5 ways to stay healthy while travelling through India
1)Carry essentinal oils

Its very important to carry essential oil during travelling , to keep your mind and body relax and to treat skin. It will help you a lot while travelling in India.It also has therapeutic effects so it will revives your senses.
If you want to pick up your favorite essential oil you can purchase from here : https://www.khadivedaonline.com/lavender-essential-oil.html
2)Carry Pack protien bars

protein bar will keep you satiated and nourished. It will fulfil your sweet carvings and also balance your nutrition . Protien bar will rejunivate your energy. You will be ecstatic when you have nothing else to eat and remember you have these bars in your bag!
3)Always choose cooked foods and peel-able fruits.

The reason everyone tells you not to eat raw foods because of the different bacteria and parasites in the soil, will cause any disease. So you should try Ahothetic indian food at indian restaurants which are amesome and most importantly healthy.
4) Pack medication

Pack a good medical kit with you while travelling. It would be good and helpful to carry good antibiotics with you , to fight against bacteria!. You will be very glad you packed these if you find that you need them !
5) stay hydrated

Its important to stay hydrated especially in India due to hot and humid weather. Being hydrated will keep you fit and Healthy. Always carry safe, clean water so you can drink water often and most importantly always drink purified water rather than tap water !
So these are the ways to stay Healthy while travelling!
Feel free to ask any thing related to these!
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