During one of my field research project , recently I was visited some of villages of India . I have seen unique living styles & home architecture in 2019 also . Yes we are growing but still we have some originality of our olders .
Presenting some of u unique home styles & architecture of rural India . Hope you will like it .
Take a look of this picture I found in kodinar , Gujarat .

Look at these two ladies of pananadar village of Gujarat . When I have seen her first time even I was also scared . But after having some dialogues with her , I found she was too much sweet .

Take a look some of more houses of rural Madhya Pradesh .
I found these type of architecture in many districts of MP like Khandva , chhindwara, ujjain , Reva , jabalpur .

Now take a look some samples from Maharashtra .
These are from raipur district of Maharashtra .