An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains.

Photo of An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains. by thewanderjoy

Over the last few years, proliferation of social media, is putting a reverse pressure on adults to constantly stay relevant and put out content that will make them stand out and be in the news. And many of us go to any lengths to gather those likes and shares, and to be a part of that “viral” phenomenon. And, one of these ways to be in the news is to create buzz around the exemplary feats of their children. Making young kids, even lesser than 10 years, climb daunting mountain peaks to be in the news seems to be a recent phenomenon for parents. But has anyone thought from the child’s perspective? Here’s an open letter to all such parents, who love flaunting their kid’s treks.

Dear Parents,

You Thought Parenting is Child's Play?

You have been blessed with one of the best gifts possible to humankind, parenthood. The entire experience of seeing your kids grow up in front of you itself is so blissful. Every child is unique, and has her/his own specialities and interests. Yes, we all know that as parents, it is our duty to introduce our kids to a plethora of activities, and then leave it to them to pick and choose what they are keen to pursue basis their interest.

Photo of An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains. 1/6 by thewanderjoy
(C) Unsplash

Are You Kidding Me?

Or are you parents, trying to fulfil your quest for popularity by pushing your young kids into doing something truly hazardous? Take for example, climbing on mountain peaks which even most adults would not dream of. In the last few years, we have heard news of kids aged between five and ten years climbing the great peaks of the world. In 2018, a seven-year-old girl became the youngest girl in the world to summit Mount Kilimanjaro, a 5900-metre-tall mountain in Africa (the continent’s tallest peak). And why? Because her mom wanted her to be the record holder for the youngest child to summit the mountain.

Definitely Worth All The Press, Right?

When such news is heard, we normally are awestruck by the kid’s achievements. But have we given a thought to whether it is at all safe for kids so young to climb mountains of this scale? One thing is for certain, that these kids are definitely not mature of take such major decisions. Mountaineering is an extremely dangerous activity, that needs very high level of skillset. Years of strenuous training goes into making a person prepared to scale a peak. A young child is neither equipped physically, mentally nor emotionally to endure the hardships that accompany such an arduous task.

Photo of An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains. 2/6 by thewanderjoy
Three year old, Jackson Houlding climbing the treacherous alpine peak of Piz Badile (11,000ft). (C)

Fulfill Your 'Celeb'lust!

Clearly then, you parents are taking the decisions on their behalf. And why are you doing that? Is it plainly your enthusiasm? Or is it deeper routed? Are you just trying to grab more attention from the world, by pushing your child to do something as dangerous as this? Or, are you just trying to fulfil your unmet desires through your child, by jeopardizing their safety and in a way killing their childhood? At a time when they should be playing kids games and learning life skills, you are pushing them into such highly specialized activities that will need them to spend hours training for the climbs they would be embarking on.

Photo of An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains. 3/6 by thewanderjoy
(C) pixabay

Who Will Think About the Perils?

Have you given a thought to the potential dangers of mountaineering like extremely low temperatures, frost bites, altitude sickness because of low oxygen pressure, rock falls, avalanches, crevices covered with snow, neurological and psychological problems resulting from hypoxia? These terms are intimidating for most adults, how do you expect a pre schooler or tween to even comprehend the meaning of these terms.

Photo of An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains. 4/6 by thewanderjoy
(C) pixabay

Get A Life!!

Having said all this, just one last word of caution. It is good to introduce kids to the outdoors earlier on in life. But these exposures could be limited to activities like camping, swimming, forest or hill hikes, jungle safaris et al. But mountaineering and rock climbing? Just put yourself in your kids’ shoes, and think of what you are doing to them. Are they even prepared to do what you are pushing them to do? Without colouring their minds, have you even asked them for their wish? It is your wish to be in the news, have reporters scramble to your doorstep for that interview, to be on the front page of newspapers. The child doesn’t even know anything of this.

Photo of An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains. 5/6 by thewanderjoy
Nine year old Rithvika from Andhra Pradesh is the youngest Indian to scale Mt. Kilimanjaro. (C) ANI
Photo of An Open Letter to Parents That Want to Gain Mileage by Making Their Toddlers Climb Mountains. 6/6 by thewanderjoy
Twelve year old Kaamya from Mumbai atop the 7000ft high Mt. Aconcagua in South America (C)

Please accept the fact that though you are their parents, they are individuals in their own right, and not a means to fulfill your fantasies. They after all have only one childhood, and very soon this time will pass by and they will never have memories of a normal childhood like most other children. That itself is detrimental to their own future. Think about it before pushing them to do unreasonable things in the future.

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