The reason why you should a Wanderlust Woman makes you fall in love with her because from having impressive and meaningful conversations to experiencing a breath-taking escape, there are many perquisites of dating a girl who loves to travel and explore the world. Traveling is real bliss and the most and exciting things to do in life. Hence I think, it becomes important that you should have a girl in life who travels as one of her priorities.

The traveling girl who is full of enthusiasm and zeal, they have many things unique about their personality. Read more about the reasons to date a girl who travels. Travelling makes them so independent that they never depend on anyone for taking any type of decision. You will see them as a helping hand in everything and in all your problems. Such girls are easy going and witty. They are excellent at taking spontaneous decisions on time. They don’t indulge in unnecessary arguments.
A girl who travels a lot knows herself more than anybody else.
She is adventurous
Date a girl who loves an adventure because she understands how to live her life. She is aware that you only get one chance and opportunity to make the best of it and live it to the fullest she loves the rush and risk. She likes to live on the edge and push her boundaries. She is a partner in all fun and crimes. She is full of adventure and thrills urging you to trek to the mountains, go deep into the sea, or taking a jungle safari.

She is witty, intelligent and enthralling
A girl who loves to travel is often keen, intelligent, curious, and interesting. With full enthusiasm and passion, she can talk for a number of hours about her backpacking trips and adventures abroad for them. She has got the wit and charm to make conversations more fun and engaging. For her traveling is one of the best forms of education.

She is Quick at Solving problems
Travelers many times undergo many difficult situations. It might be accommodation, street food, flight delays, missing the trains, etc. She will not make hue and cry about such situations and will find a way around to keep the journey on. She will come up with quick problem-solving ability which helps in all the challenges of life.
She’s Energtic Active and Passionate
She has a zeal for everything from trekking, to scuba diving to take a stroll or long drives. She is are lively and always passionate about doing something new that a travel destination offers. She also likes to shop on mall roads or going to nightlife.

She is not Selfish
She will always find her real happiness in small adventure trips and love to talk about those moments. She doesn’t talk about expensive nor flaunt any brands. She happily enjoys the real shades of nature and real-life experiences.
She is Open-minded
When she travels a lot the does a lot of interactions with multi-culture people, she tries to understand people and get along well. She absorbs a lot of manners in her.
She understands Budget
Girls as a travel enthusiast know how to enjoy a holiday at a lesser price. She makes the budget beforehand which helps saving a lot on unwanted expenses.

She admires cultures
A girl who loves traveling has the habit of writing, photographing, and exploring different cultures. She bonds easily with people and their culture. She is thoughtful and takes ideas from different cultures to make your life more beautiful.
She’s a problem solver
A girl who travels has the ability to think in a rational way and find solutions to solve the problem. She is a reliable person who’ll offer a great piece of advice.
She is hard-working
Definitely, to fund her trips and adventure she does a job and saves for it. She is the hardest working girl you will meet. Furthermore, she would love to share her travel experiences with everyone thru her blog.

She is beautiful in her own way
She is a tanned girl, she feels more comfortable, beautiful, and confident in her shorts and vest tops, with her hair tied back. She loves to wear hippy bracelets and anklets from her journey. She loves to get tattoed, but she can also dress or drape a saree for you, put on a fragrant perfume, and wear glittering jewelry on occasion. She is a wanderer, and she is indeed beautiful on her own.

She’s loving and thoughtful
She may be traveling a lot, but a girl who loves to travel never forgets you. You may not hear her voice for a few days, but she constantly writes how she has missed you in her blog or diary. She thinks about you every time she goes to sleep, and she tells all the backpackers in her hostel dorm on how great and wonderful you are. Moreover, she will do her best to find a place with WiFi, so she can call you on Skype or send you a message on Whatsapp.
This girl will be your biggest cheerleader, your number one fan, your confidante, your teammate, your best friend and she will be by your side through your greatest sorrows and greatest triumphs. And hopefully, you will recognize the adventure in falling in love with the travel tanned girl.

Thanks for reading
Sheetal , Escaping soul