5 Unique Products for Solo woman travellers in case of Self defence

20th Dec 2015

As now women are also moving forward alone to accomplish their dream to explore the whole universe. There are few products which can be very useful for people who are travelling alone in case of Self defence.

  • Pepper Spray 

This unique pepper spray is available in different varieties, sizes & shapes. It contains an invisible UV marking dye, it works by leaving an intense burning sensation in the skin as well as the eyes of each & every target.

Pepper Spray Info 

Photo of 5 Unique Products for Solo woman travellers in case of Self defence 1/5 by Priti Raman Vishwakarma

  • Mace Spray

Mace spray contains OC pepper as well as Tear gas where OC pepper can result into uncontrollable coughing & choking where as tear gas can cause an intense facial burning.

Mace Defense Spray Info

Photo of 5 Unique Products for Solo woman travellers in case of Self defence 2/5 by Priti Raman Vishwakarma

  • Stun Guns

Stun gun is basically an electric shock device which you can use in danger as attacker will not be able move so you can easily escape. 

Stun Gun Info

Photo of 5 Unique Products for Solo woman travellers in case of Self defence 3/5 by Priti Raman Vishwakarma

  • Personal Alarms 

There are personal & key chain alarms available in small sizes which is light weighted & easy to handle. It can be used as a

panic or medical alarm.

Photo of 5 Unique Products for Solo woman travellers in case of Self defence 4/5 by Priti Raman Vishwakarma

  • Taser Self Defence 

Taser can be used as a fire weapon as one can fire a 50,000 volt charge from a distance of up to 15 feet. it can damage any part of your body as there is no restriction regarding specified target areas. It is the best self defence for women as well as for men.


Photo of 5 Unique Products for Solo woman travellers in case of Self defence 5/5 by Priti Raman Vishwakarma

So, Ladies feel free to travel as we all have rights to explore this beautiful universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!