Ramling Temple near Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur is an ancient and beautiful cave temple of Lord Shiva and is from Ramayana period .Ramling is a favorite destination for trekkers, cyclists and runners from Kolhapur and Sangli district. Its situated on a hill with tar roads to reach there. To reach to the ling, devotees need to pass through water level up to couple of feet depending upon the season. Upon reaching inside you will observe the caves are wet with water flowing from the cave walls and falling on the Ling.

There's a water tank outside the temple where you enjoy a natural fish foot spa. The tank is surrounded by small temples of "Saptarishis".
After washing your feet under the cold water coming from the hills you can proceed towards "Allamprabhu temple" which is situated on to the next hill near by and you have to traverse through beautiful turns and ups to reach there.

Allamprabhu is an ancient temple surrounded by lush green plateaus and mountains full of peacocks, monkeys and delighting views. The temple has a lamp which is been lit continuously since more than 800 years...a must place to visit. Mind the road when in rainy season.
In between Ramling and Allamprabhu you will also come across small temples of "Tirthankars". There are 24 Tirthankars temples in all the area which extends from "Shree Kunthugiri Kshtera " to Ramling. The visit to these 24 temples is also a different route and track for trekking and worshipping as well.
While on cycle , you can traverse through an off road from Allamprabhu downhill towards Sangli Kolhapur road.

The challenging terrain makes you understand the importance of helmet and other accessories necessary for a cyclist....

Its like traveling through real jungle where you will be lost from the world and enjoy off road cycling .A MTB cycle is the perfect one for this road. If its raining then your tyres get stuck on this muddy road...which is worth experiencing. A group photo with some stunts makes the ride more enjoyable.

Travelling down hill through the rocky turns is a challenge to keep the balance of your cycle and seeing the nature beauty. You will see the campus of Ghodawat college and coming down you get attached to the Sangli Kolhapur road.
From there a "butter piece" road with a nice slope or simply saying a "Makkhanwala" road of almost 3 km takes you to Hatkanangale town.

Here you can halt for refreshments or enjoy pakodas on a rainy day with black tea to accompany...
In all.... the ride is full of nature, challenging road, enjoyment and of course lovely pakodas.....