Day by day, the quality and the real beauty of tourist attractions is decreasing. Reason being the same : not travelling responsibly and trashing all the way through.
As the tourism industry is growing impeccably, it has become inevitable for people to start understanding the importance of keeping the places neat and clean.
Below are the things which I follow to travel responsibly :
1. Carry own water bottle :
This can save a large amount of plastic waste and money too. I do not buy water bottles from shops, instead carry my own and refill on the go whenever i want to.

2. Throw the trash in dustbins (or carry a disposable bag) :
I carry a disposable bag along with me, which I use in case there are no dustbins around to throw the trash.
3. Do not accept plastic bags from shops :
People buy a small souvenir, and take a plastic bag along with it. Imagine the amount of waste generated only because of touristy shopping. I always carry a bag with me, so I don't accept plastic bags whenever I buy anything and keep the stuff directly in my bag.
4. Use public transport :
Using public transport may sound weird in case of responsible traveling, but it saves a large amount of carbon emmisons and also reduces traffic. Also, cutting down the use of flights can contribute hugely and can also save some bucks for spending elsewhere.

5. Carrying a metal straw :
This can also reduce a large amount of plastic waste created by tourists on the go, as we are tend to drink a lot of stuff during our trips.

6. Go local :
Okay, shopping from local shops, eating at local stalls and staying at sustainable accommodations can definitely count in being a responsible traveller. It will create a lot of opportunities for local people and will also boost the local culture.

7. Cut consumption of meat :
Needless to say, countless animals are harmed and unimaginable amount of water is utilized in the preparation of non veg meals.
8. Feel like home while in hotels :
Like, literally. Do not keep the TV on un necessarily. Switch off the lights while going outside. Do not use extra toiletries if not actually needed.
9. Spread the word :
Do not be afraid to stop someone from throwing the trash on road. Spread the word! 😊