Tips for Relieving Stress


Stress is something that every person will experience at different times in their life. Some stress is good, bringing excitement such as thrill rides, first dates, and getting your first pet. However, most stressors, if experienced too frequently, can cause serious harm to your body. Eliminating chronic stress is essential to maintaining a healthy life. Listed below are a few tips to help lower stress levels.

Indicators Your Stress Is Out of Control

Excessive amounts of stress can leave you feeling weak, lethargic, anxious, and depressed. You have continued thoughts racing through your mind, body stiffness, and a loss of appetite. It’s not uncommon for someone experiencing high levels to have a full-blown panic attack and insomnia. This can cause a negative impact on your health. You may fall into a deep depression and need professional help. Fortunately, there are facilities like Mission Harbor Behavioral Health that offer various treatment options.


Maintaining a focus on the now instead of the past or the present will help to reduce stress. Something that already happened and things that haven’t happened are not things you can control. Stressing over these events will only cause you pain and grief. Meditation and yoga practice mindfulness. They allow you to remain calm by finding inner peace.


Exercise offers many benefits to the body and mind. It helps you maintain lean muscles and a healthy weight. Exercise also helps to restore energy and remove unpleasant thoughts. Working out two to three times each week for 30-40 minutes will help you lower feelings of anxiety and depression.

Proper Diet

When you stress, your blood pressure rises and your body experiences a reduced blood flow. Nutrients such as Omega-3s, polyphenols, and vitamin E will lessen these effects. Salmon, tuna, blueberries, dark chocolate, green leafy vegetables, and red wine are a few examples of natural sources of these nutrients. Eating home more often and avoiding foods high in salt, sugar and saturated fats will give you a better chance of managing stress.

Get Outdoors

There’s something intoxicating about taking a long bike ride or brisk walk outdoors. The natural surroundings and fresh air work together to provide an instant calming sensation. Schedule it for early in the morning to increase your level of energy or an hour before bedtime to help clear your mind and help you relax.


Aromatherapy offers similar results to meditation. Scented candles and oils can reduce the stress hormone cortisol making you feel content and tranquil. The relaxing effects can help improve sleep quality, relieve fatigue, and improve mental behavior. Combining it with a hot bath or a massage will create a soothing atmosphere to help whisk your troubles and aches away.

Background Music

Listening to soothing music puts you into a state of tranquility. You feel relaxed, and your worries seem to disappear. Music is something doctors use as a tool to help those living with bipolar and clinical depression. Put together a few CDs of your favorite songs and keep a copy at home, the office, and in your car.

The Healing Power of Laughter

When you see someone with a hearty laugh, it makes you laugh along. Just like exercise, laughing releases endorphins, a chemical in the body that makes you feel good. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed, put on a funny movie or video or find a good comedian.

Learn to Say No

Some people put too much on their plate, creating enormous stress. Instead, reduce your participation in projects and commitments and learn how to say no. Don’t feel guilty. If someone really needs your help, they can fit it into your schedule.

Stress is something that will occur. However, if you have these feelings often, finding relief will allow you to sustain health now and in the future.