It was the spring of 1998, India. I was nearly ten-summer old at that time. School exams were over and good days came back in my life, and it became best when my father told me that we were going to see hills that vacation. Gangtok, a beautiful town of Sikkim in the lap of eastern Himalaya. My first visit to hills and first-ever discovery of love for travelling. Since then, I always look forward to every single turn to travel, and to lost in what is yet to be known. Yes, losing yourself in the unknown is all-important in getting to know yourself is what I believe, and experience the same whenever I travel. Travelling does not just imprint on your soul but leaves you with the thoughts that shape stories to tell.Do you know, the idea of Harry Potter came to author J.K.Rowling for the first time on a train ride to London. And the rest is history, the Harry Potter series became one of the most popular book series and film franchises in the world.
So, the far you go, the closer you get to yourself. Explore what is kept for you on the other side of the world. Watching everyday sunset won't seem similar when you sit on the coastline while the sea water kisses your feet.
For the next five minutes, resonate yourself for what you want to travel often, and always. Here are the 8 reasons, I will keep travelling for and you should do too.
1. Eternity:
We spent half of our lives moaning about our past or worrying about our future, forgetting to live in the present, racing & pacing every minute. Hence we refrain ourselves from relishing beautiful moments. Life keeps spending through days, months and years, fluting monotonous tune around us. But think of travelling far from your noisy city and waking up with the chattering of some unknown bird in a cottage amidst of nature, you can feel the clock stops ticking, you can feel the presence of the eternity. Worries leave you, and deep thoughts start to enlighten your mind, reviving your soul.
2. Explore What's New:
To travel is to explore, isn't it?
Every place has its colour, smell, sound, flavour and vibe, and Travelling gives you that opportunity to discover all together at its best and dive deep into the core. Whether it's that euphoric smell of the oldest library in the town or the folk music resonating across the hill or that freshly baked cheesecake of the local café, travelling lets you experience something that never happened to you before.
3. History:
Travelling allows you to enter your history books. You may read about Taj Mahal in the book, but when you see it at first hand, the experience doesn't remain the same. You relive the history as though it animates in front of you.

4. Adventure:
Now, this is one of the reasons I travel for. If you want to experience the adrenaline rush through each vein of your body, you must go for adventures sports. Many tourist places have activities for those visitors who wish to perform extreme sports and return home with some thrilling memory as a souvenir.
5. Escapade From The Monotony:
Life becomes dull when you keep revolving in the boardroom. When your work life gets gloomier and you anxiously wait for the weekend, you deserve a vacation, to breathe fresh air under the blue sky, to let your hair tousle in the boisterous breeze. Plan a gateway from the hurly-burly of everyday work pressure that steals your inner peace and leaves you drained out of happiness. Go far to get close to you. Do night camping under the stars at the riverbank in Rishikesh or find serenity in the alleys of Pondicherry.
6. Find Out Your Hidden Quality And Excel In Your Capability:
The little I knew about my love for extreme sports until I had dived into the middle of the ocean. Scuba diving was the first adventurous sport I encountered while visiting Pondicherry and discovered a new side of myself what I never felt it existed.
Leaving your city for an unknown countryside helps you discover the hidden version of you that may become the purpose of your life.
7. Leave The Digital Toxicity Behind:
In today's life, you wake up with the sound of the notification of your mobile phone before your alarm rings up, your day starts with pouring e-mails instead of coffee, and social media causes more excitement than what action movies bring about. Not to mention, travelling is one of the effective escapades from the virtual bubble that holds you back to relive your senses. But, planning for a quick weekend trip amidst your on-going projects can help you detox your digital atmosphere and lift your energy to perform best in the boardroom.

8. Creates Memories To Cherish Forever:
Moments are to be created to cherish memories forever.
Lately, I went on a trip to Himachal Pradesh with my husband and daughter. It was kind of impromptu skip from our city cacophony to the lap of Himalayan beauty. After we reached Delhi, we took an 11 hours car drive to our final stop, Naddi. The road was steep and narrow, dusk was felling upon our way, our bodies were aching, we were starving and sighing over our childish plan. The only thing we wanted to do at that time was to enter the cottage room and give in to the bed. Such an awful start to a vacation! But next morning, when I opened my eyes, I looked at the most picturesque view, from the bed out of the window. I thought to myself it couldn't be more perfect, and I can still picture it in my mind while writing this piece. The wide range of mountains soaked in bright sunlight, majestic green valley, twitting birds and a deep 'ravanahatha' note coming from the downhill stirred my soul. And the sudden awareness of my existence bridged the gap between me and me.