It was 26the November 2018.. Me and my friend(Soumyadeep Bhunia)were heading to a friend's wedding to Plassey which is about 6-7 hours drive/ride on road from our Quarter in Kolkata..
Me and Soumyadeep both set an alarm for 4am in the morning so that we can leave the city without facing its compulsory traffic jam!
We departed at 4.30 am... Well dressed in warm clothes and with helmets,hand and leg guards on our body In Bhunia's KTM Bike...
We stopped for tea breaks a number of times... And we also made photostops..There were rivers and Fields and Forests on our way!! We reached around 11.30...took some rest.. Freshened up and got ready to attend the marriage... The marriage took place in a village... And yes we had to cross a river with our bike in a ferry!! That was fun!!
The Marriage Happened...
It was a Muslim Nikaah and a good experience for us both!!! We saw all the rituals....took a tour of the village and around and we scheduled our way back around 5pm.... As that ferryghat would be closed if further delay would be caused...
We crossed the river... Everything was going well until I started feeling drowsy and my head almost collided with Soumyadeep's helmet... That was the moment I realized we should stop,sit,rest a bit,have tea/coffee and restart... And we did that!!
Soon after we departed a black cat crossed our way! We are both Doctors and we don't believe in superstitions... We ignored... Did not pull the gear back and stop for a while like most other drivers do in Indian roads... We kept moving...
Finally around 10 pm we started entering Kolkata... And to our bad luck.. We collided with a road stand that was placed on the road and both of us fell down with the bike... I on the back seat... I flew higher and fell farther....soon I touched the ground and got up immediately and checked if my Limbs are Painlessly mobile and then I rushed to Bhunia who was also lying down in the ground.. People gathered around us...offered help and made us sit for sometime.. We were immensely thankful to all of those who helped us! Luckily we escaped from major accident as there were no vehicles in near distance behind us!! We just had bruises in our palms and legs...
That was not the end... The look mirrors and leg guards of the bike were damaged.. We headed to a garage to fix them...
After that we returned back to our quarter... That was a bad day which did not end badly!!
But that cat crossing the way made me double think... As many unexpected bad things happened after that on way back from marriage and also a few months after the marriage.. My friend's marriage also did not go well and they got divorced in less that 7 months after marriage!! My friend also underwent economic burdens.... I am not superstitious but then this happened and as everybody says a cat crossing a road is not a good sign... I am not superstitious... But then all these bad things happened.. So for a while I thought may be people say right about cat crossing roads.. But I am still not superstitious!!