While Human Love is Unrequited, Nature Love is Unconditional.
When Love is a feeling, why do we keep associating it with Humans?
Why do we always want someone to Love and to Love us?
Why is Love only defined if it's done to a person?
We keep chasing, keep expecting and keep returning back disappointed. A human Love is never satisfied. It keeps on asking for more and always give less in return.
Why do we always say the most beautiful thing on this planet is a Human?
No, its Nature that's most beautiful.
It never asks for anything rather just give more than what we could ever imagine.
I realized it when I saw the moon rise for the first time. I never loved and chased nature the way I did people.
But that night the moon took my heart away. It melted me and ultimately helped my broken heart to stick back together.
I learnt Loving nature the most is the best thing one can do as it never disappoints you. It keeps on bringing Love in different forms at different times in Life. And All it ask for in return is a moment of silence to feel its beauty in real sense ❤