Break which turned into a magical experience !

19th Sep 2019
Day 1

We left from Nagpur to Ramtek, feeling unsure how this trip would turn out. Me and my roommate with fifteen of our other batchmates were going for a camp in Ramtek for two days ( we needed a break) organised by MotoJojo.
The first day, we introduced ourselves along with other people, that was the starting!
Following by the lunch and alloting of camps came the small trek which lead to the temple of Ramtek, it was a small trek but yet full of adventures. It was already dark when we reached the top, so we star gazed for some time ( I still wish for  this time to come back) and learned new and exciting things about the stars and constillations. After having this wonderful time we came back to our camps and people started to doze off. These people didn't know what they were missing out. Then came the bonfire! All the strangers including me ( and none of my batchmates) were sitting around the bonfire sharing our travel stories, playing guitar and singing. I made many new friends this night.


Photo of Ramtek, Maharashtra, India by Aayushi Tamrakar

Kapur baoli

Photo of Ramtek, Maharashtra, India by Aayushi Tamrakar

The band night

Photo of Break which turned into a magical experience ! by Aayushi Tamrakar
Day 2

The next day, we went to visit the Kapur baoli, ruins of an old temple. Its the most peaceful and serene place if you want to relax. When we came back to our camp, there were many adventure activities being organised for us followed by the lunch before we head back to nagpur.
This may sound like a very very short trip, bit it gave me experiences of a lifetime!
It taught me that you don't always have to travel in big groups or in groups at all. You make new friends wherever you go.
So just pack your bags and go out and explore ! Its the best thing to do! Trust me :)