How To Find Love While Digital Nomading

28th Sep 2016
Photo of How To Find Love While Digital Nomading 1/1 by Ashish

The concept of constant travel is one that society is yet to come to terms with. Everyone has those folks back home asking you how you're going to "meet someone and settle down" if you keep moving from place to place. But being a digital nomad doesn't mean you can't meet that someone special. In fact, considering the number of people you meet, the chances that you will meet someone you like are very high.

Map your destination's social scene: Make time to meet people at social events, as they are the best places to meet like-minded people. They are generally informal enough to kick back and socialise and there is no pressure to stay till the end of the event. Exhibitions, concerts, even a drink at the bar can be an opportunity to meet someone. Yoga classes, cooking classes, hiking groups can all help you find people you're compatible with.

Don't rule out casual dating: You don't have to jump into a relationship with the first person you get along with. It may be just a drink and dinner or you may just have a few days together or it may be a random travel fling - don't let the inevitable parting of ways convince you that you cannot date someone. If you click with someone, go out and work on that chemistry. You may not want to get into a full fledged long distance relationship but you'll never know until you try. In any case, you may end up making a good friend.

Give people a chance: Digital nomads need to be open to new experiences, people and places. As a digital nomad, you are constantly meeting new people. If you judge people on sight, you will miss out on them as a person. You need to keep an open mind while communicating with anyone for any purpose, so don't put barriers on the kind of person you'd like to be with either. The jerk of your new found group might just turn out to be a sensitive person after all.

Go with your gut feeling: Many on-the-road romances end with the logical conclusion that staying apart is better for both parties, considering their independent nomadic lifestyles, lives back home, spontaneous natures, and many other reasons. Once in a while, all these logical reasons will seem stupid, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. If you really think someone is worth being with, there is no harm giving it a chance. There might be many obstacles along the way but you might just find them easier to overcome because of the person you're with.

Online dating for nomads: There are several dating websites meant solely for nomads. Websites like Date a Nomad and Nomad Soulmates cater solely to people who are on the road, which is a good thing. You can meet people with similar interests and again, there is no pressure to stay in touch if it doesn't work out.

There are countless tales of nomads who have fallen in love while travelling and a large number of them never regret it. It's true that a lot of them have had to end relationships due to itchy feet but many of them have also found a way to make it work and are still going strong.

This blog was originally published on 'Digital Nomads India'