As I promised in the previous post that I will tell you on the basis of my experience that how to keep your bag weight light when packing. I have taken all the things told in the previous post, but I felt that most of these things were not for trackers. The list of newly married couples or honeymooners is different; In my opinion, travelers can be divided into four categories
1- luxury tourist
2- Tourist
3- Nomad
4- Puff
My talk about the luxury logo will be useless because neither I am like this nor I have experienced such a thing, so what can I tell about it? Just read and heard that in the hotel room upto Rs. 5 thousand rupees, spending a night in the night, and if so much, write a review.
The other common tourist life I have lived, who, after spending some money on luxury, sometimes travels in the name of honeymoon. We have also taken rooms of up to 2 thousand and have also thought that Man is earning so much so why not spend it. After all, who has been earning for us, but whenever this happened with us, it was in compulsion and we considered it to be luxury.
I find myself fit in the third type of grooves. At least have tried to walk in the budget and make similar plans and run it all the time.
I could not fit for the fourth kind. It has to work hard to fit in it. Hitch hiking is also said to be a form of the man in which the man comes out of the house and sometimes demands a lift in the car and then he dreams of traveling anywhere. Such a dream happens to every one but the dream is to be bigger than the luxury ones to land on the planet.
Well come back to the point that how can we keep our goods at least and underweight for travel or track. Even if we have to go on a journey in which we have a car and there is no problem keeping things in it, but if you adopt these tips, you will always be happy while traveling because because of less stuff, less tension Will be If there is more luggage then it is often to find in many bags that where is it
Backpack -
This is the only thing that is equal in both Surya. Its size, as I mentioned earlier, may be according to your travel. If there is a total travel of three days or a weekend then it is not right to take a bagpack too. Pithu bag is best. Pithutu is good either in a three day day track or two days.
Camera bag -
Well, with the camera of all kinds, the camera maker often gives its cover bag but it is necessary to take a separate bag. The bags that come with the camera can often keep the camera in itself, but if a small hanging bag is taken separately, then you have a camera charger, extra battery, extra memory card, memory card reader and a few other things. Can find the place. I also keep money in the same bag and some other money. It also keeps some anxiety in the situation of losing the purse. Where the light got, the camera's battery was set to charge. The charging camera from the power bank can also be charged in the same bag and the phone too. I took this bag of 250 rupees from Delhi and I feel quite comfortable in it whether I am on track or bike ride.
Let's talk now
Say goodbye to jeans and follow the track pants. I take lesser weight to wear light weight which comes like a windshield-like cloth and is fitted inside it which is good in both summer or winter. Their experience on track and bike has been fantastic because they do not allow the air to go in. Therefore, colds seem to be less in these places, and due to their places like Kedarkantha I did not have to wear warm air. They come in the range of less than Rs 1000, but they have reason to repent without taking a brand that means Adidas or Nike because their fittings are not good. Apart from this, they also work on my house throughout the year, so I do not have to buy this separately. The three pieces of these lower one, one of which is worn out and two options are present as well. The weight of all three is equal to a jeans or track pants. For a four day track in two lower options. If the track is of 3 days then one extra is enough. Lower it, there is a chain on both sides, it is even better in pocket. The most important thing in the lower part of it - even if it gets wet, then a little bit of air or sun will dry again.
I never took shirts on the track. Full side T-shirt instead I like more and they are also very light, If these three are good then one should be worn and stay in the form of two alternatives, if there is a lot of winter for change, then its layer can be avoided by making the layer.
These are the clothes which are used to wear at the place of stop after tracking in more cold temperatures, because when we track, do not wear inner wear or wear them, otherwise they will get wet in sweat. If you are carrying two pairs of T-shirt and lower, then a hot set of an inner is enough.
Let me also tell you that you can reduce the weight of your luggage in some things, in which the clothes are main. Before going to track in the hills, if you believe that we get less bath, then your clothes will be reduced automatically. Trades in mountains
Often the bath is available at the base camp hotel while in the IC, so two pairs of clothes are adequate. Secondly, my emphasis always lies on such clothes that are suitable to prevent air and water. This has many advantages. Avoid cold and strong winds and rescue with water can not jacket your expensive sweater and woolen or made of cloth, so do not take double double clothes and make changes in them, it will be good.
Jacket -
Must take very light and such is where clothes like windshield are used instead of clothes. Do not take it all the way inside. If there is no jacket in which there is a windshield, then you should take a jacket with the lightweight coming in and if you are going to temperature below 0, then with a windshield, you will have enough clothes to avoid cold. .
If you are going on track from Nagtibba or any one to three days and three thousand meters then you can leave the jacket. Only the windshield is good, in which the lattice from the inside is best, it is best. When we track, sweat comes very much, at that time there is only vest and tshirt and if you wear a windshield above it is best. Take out the wet t-shirt to dry in the evening where it is to dry and wear dry t-shirt and under warm vest. The windshield from above and you will not feel cold.
Innerwear -
veneer and underwear should also be two two extra and socks 3 pairs, a hot cap, whether a monkey cap is necessary. If you have handkerchief then they can bind them at the time of the nose
Let me tell you about cream, etc. To keep weight, you should use a small pack or pouch of everything, as per the days. Although there is no bath in the track, but here along with the track I have been telling you the bike or the train according to travel.
Wipe the entire body covering to avoid rain
Shampoo and oil pouch
Take two packets of paper soap for washing or washing your mouth
Paste of 5 rupees or 10 rupees, Brush
Just take a small pack of Vaseline and apply it on the lip to avoid cold or cold air. This will work all your cream.
The rest of the necessary papers, medicines and electronic goods are the same as mentioned in the first post.
I hope all your stuff will come in weight of five to 7 kg, which will be enough for a 7 day journey. Rain is a very bad thing from my own experience, especially in the mountains, so I wear them on clothes
Will look forward to any advice or suggestion.