With constant pouring in the capital and the lightening of the clouds, one often seeks a quiet place to enjoy the rains at. But this quiet spot can be hard to find given the travel and the constant hustle attitude of the people around.
I personally have four favourites which provide a good escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and have the ability to transport anyone to a fairyland. Here's a list of four soulful spots where you can enjoy the rains and the petrichor at :
1. Triveni Terrace Cafe, Mandi House ( Triveni Art Gallery)
A beautiful cafe with the best Masala Chai and Cheese Toasts. There's something so harmonious about this place. You will absolutely love the greenery around. The plus to this place is the art gallery that you can always have a look at.
2. Juggernaut, Kailash Colony
If you want to spend the day looking at rain pouring outside and have crispy dosas with pipping hot sambar, there's nothing better than Juggernaut. They play soulful tunes and have big windows, perfect to just stare out of the whole day. The staff is way too kind. A filter coffee during the monsoon is a must at this place.
3. Tea Room by Blossom Kocchar, Hauz Khas Village
A hidden spot among the fancy streets of Hauz Khas, Tea Room by Blossom Kocchar has the best vibe to it. You will love the English appeal of the place and a cup of tea just costs Rs.65, what better! They've got comfortable seating and wonderful ambience. Fries with molten cheese are a must try here!
4. Yo Tibet, Safdarajang
The perfect gali to visit if you want to hog on hot thukpas and feel as if you're visiting Tibet. It's a small lane with all sorts of tibetan restaurants, a perfect way to spend a rainy day. I personally recommend visiting this place atleast once!
I hope you visit all of these at least once during the season. I hope you love and cherish these places as much as I do.
#monsoonspots #monsoon #rainydays #perfectways #cityspots #delhispots #delhirains