I’ve learnt a lot of things from the mountains.
I’ve learnt that it’s not your power, but your modesty, that makes you stand tall.
I’ve learnt that there’s no finish line.
I’ve learnt that we do not conquer a peak, but ourselves.

I’ve learnt that the more you give, the more beautiful you become (mountains provide water and some of the most useful herbs to mankind). I’ve learn to leave unnecessary things behind. They only add to the burden.

I’ve learnt that every day has something beautiful stored in for us (like sunrises, sunsets apart from other things). I’ve learn that the peace we try to find in them, is actually within our own selves.

I’ve learnt to accept hardships smilingly.
I’ve learnt that often the more difficult the path, more beautiful is the reward.

I’ve learnt that we all are connected.
I’ve learnt that the best way to overcome obstacles is by overcoming your fears.

I’ve learnt that our thoughts weigh heavier than any other luggage we have.
I’ve learnt to never give up.

I’ve learn that the desire to reach to the top never really ends. When you climb one peak, there’s another one smiling at you.

What have you learnt?
Let me know in your comments.