Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown

1st Jul 2020
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Day 1

As I began to recap and rewind my travel memories while I had the chance to step out to travel again post deconfinement, all I can sum it up into one sentence is :
"It's a great day to feel alive again!"

Just as the smiles and laughter from the ecstasy of new year began with loads of hopes and plans about 2020, it was already a bit late when we realized the World was hit by the most disastrous health crisis of this century. It took a while to even digest the whole concept of quarantine and lockdown as it all seemed like a nightmare from a Hollywood movie.

Although internal EU borders have started to open up this month post lockdown and some countries easing up travel restrictions, the situation continues to peak in other parts of the world.

Stepping out of the house yet staying safe while traveling is a big (risky) leap this year and probably will remain a risk until we have a medicine or vaccine approved.

While domestic travelling has already begun within few EU countries but sure isn't the same again. And soon the international borders would start to open up in a month or so, starting with few countries. So, traveling after the lift of travel restrictions would require precise planning but with flexible itineraries.

Being a diabetic traveler and at high vulnerability to COVID, I was a too skeptical about making travel plans but travel junkies like me do find a way out. With 2weeks wait period after lifting travel restrictions, I dared to do a short trip to Swiss with a lot of careful and meticulous planning. Based on my first travel experience post lockdown, here I share a few things that can probably help you plan your travels after lifting travel bans.

1. Wear your mask at all times. This cannot be stressed enough for your and other's safety.
2. Carry (and use) an alcohol based sanitiser always.
3. Travel locally. Choose a place that can be reached easily with less hassle. Direct commute or drive in your own vehicle. Respect local regulations.
4. Low-risk countries. If you plan to leave your country, choose a country that has minimal cases.
5. Relaxed itineraries. Choose stays that have end to end packages with less roaming. Avoid tightly packed itineraries that make you run from one tourist attraction to another. Avoid group tours and if possible do a solo trip (probably this is one you've been thinking do for so long). Add outdoor activities closer to nature that give you open space, fresh air and light.
6. Things to do/don't. Skip the must-see attractions that have a large foot-fall of tourists/crowds. Avoid closed indoors such as visits to museums/theatres, stuffed up restaurants, etc. Avoid swimming in closed pools.
7. Food. Prefer to eat hot food and avoid street food. If you are at risk due to low immunity, avoid cold drinks/icecreams or other junk food.
8. Flexibility & patience Since things are still dynamic, not all touristy things have or are going to start. So, be flexible with your itineraries. Have back up plans of things to see/do/experience. If things don't go as planned, don't be disappointed. Be patient, the fact that you stepped out in itself is a major milestone. Sometimes just relaxing or staying in one place in itself can be a memorable experience.
9. Be kind. Like you and me, travel industry is going through this crisis the first time and are learning to cope it the best way it can. There may be mishaps and misses. So, show empathy and kindness for their efforts. Instead of bashing out, make an open conversation with the service provider to resolve things.
10. Stop panic. Last but not the least. Stay calm instead of being anxious and panicky with people around you or any uncomfortable surroundings. Act wisely and quickly to avoid mishaps. Be happy and enjoy your travel in peace.

My short trip in Swiss was to Luzern (3.5hr train journey from Paris). It didn't involve any  sightseeing. Relaxed and unwinded in a 4star hotel by the lake side with a view of Mount Pilatus from my room. Enjoyed good food in fine dining restaurant in the resort. Enjoyed the luxury of gazing at the most colorful vibrant long lasting sunsets over the lake and watching sunsets while it was pouring down heavily. Went for a day hike and did tobagganing in Swiss mountain trails at Sattel-Hochstuckli, the ones that was not so touristy (1hr train ride from Luzern). Enjoyed 2hr sunset canoeing over lake Luzern at Brunnen (1hr train ride from Luzern). I also did a short museum tour at the transportation museum in the morning hours with hardly any crowds in. No strolling around the city center, no hop on hop offs, no must-visits. I definitely didn't visit Luzern the way I would have done pre-COVID but this trip did give me a new perspective on traveling. It taught me how to be a true 'Travel Experientialist' with more focus on creating unique experiences and less on places.
It made me realize now is the time to tick off bucketlist of things I always wanted to do while traveling. Yet another reason for GRATITUDE!!

If you are still under quarantine and lockdown, stay safe, stay indoors, and hang in there. You may not be able to step out but you certainly can make travel plans for the future. I hope you will be able to travel soon and safe.

Happy planning!
Happy trails!

P.S. This post does not recommend travel now. Use caution and act according to the local government regulations and travel restrictions in your country. To travel or not to travel is your own decision and cannot be suggested or recommended by anyone else.

Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla
Photo of Travel Tales 2.0 - The face of travel post lockdown by Sushma Materla