We were a group of 7 people and were planning for a weekend getaway from Delhi,as it was a two day trip we all wanted a trip with less of travelling so that we can spend more time relaxing.So it was a mutual decision of going to Nahan but in the morning when we all met at Murthal 4 friends decided that we will go to Chail.But the other 3 friends including me were not happy as it was 8-9 hours drive from Delhi but still we said yes for Chail.So the route taken was Chandigarh to Chail,as the mountains started from there the view was mesmerizing but it was just the starting,as we were going upwards it was all so peaceful,it was like we were leaving behind the hustle bustle of our daily life.
We reached Chail around 12 pm.And it felt like we were in heaven,no cars,no crowd,only mountains and forest all around.In our journey there was a beautiful lake also where we stopped for 10 mins.The next thing we did was we went to Kali ka tibba mandir in the evening and i have not seen a temple at such a beautiful view with clouds all around.Then we had maggi and chai while returning from there.We headed to the Chail palace which was a royal palace with huge rooms and by the time it was dark and foggy,the palace was looking pretty .Then we went to the market there was a small post office,hospital and some shops,people were relaxed and happy.It was like a different world,as people were living their life with happiness away from the madness the cities offer.
We thought of going to our hotel as it was very dark and foggy.We were sitting in the balcony of our room which had an amazing view.Unfortunately one of our friend got ill in the night so three friends thought of going to the hospital to get some medicines.We had our own car,it was around 11.00 pm.That place is quiet after 7.00 so you can imagine at that time what would be the scenario.They were outside the hospital when suddenly a car came having 4 members.You all must be thinking it was a car,what's new in it but the people in the car were very weird and were wearing different type of clothes.My friends waited there for 5 mins thinking what to do and who are they as there was not a single person in that area and then a car comes from nowhere with weird people and in the hospital also there was no one.It was scary..They came back to the hotel safely.Thank god..
I don't know why Chail is not so popular but it was a right decision to go to Chail as it is such a peaceful,beautiful and an amazing place.The next morning was the best morning i had.I was just sitting in the balcony and was looking at the mountains.The view has been captured in my mind and will stay there forever.I would advise all the people who love travelling to go to Chail once,it was so refreshing with a little bit of adventure,with less people,no cars only mountains with trees all around as if it was a painting that has been created by god,and the journey back was also so amazing.I would request Tripoto to add this place in the list of Best places to visit.If someone wants a peaceful,away from the world trip then Chail is the best place to visit.