“Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.” (Greg Child)
So the quote says it all but what is the mystery?
Well, I started trekking just for the heck of it, for pure adrenalin rush and for the amazing view at the summit. It held good, be it the Western Ghats in Karnataka, Kerala & Maharashtra. Since I was in my early 20s, I loved racing up the mountain!
But after a gap of 6 years my idea and purpose of trekking changed. Thanks to the Himalayas!
For one thing, my physical stamina wasn't great ;) so it slowed me enough on the Himalayan trail to enjoy and feel with all my heart the serenity around and paved a way to find my inner peace!
Down to the big question of why I trek?
Here goes......
1. I trek because the journey is more spectacular than the destination.
2. I trek for I feel alive when I am on the mountains.
3. I trek as each step I take forward just scares the hell out of me, as it is a thin line between life and death and that my friend, is the ultimate adrenalin rush!
4. I trek as I can feel my soul and feel one with nature.
5. I trek because the journey is a great learning experience about myself, the nature, the people around.
6. I trek because I learn to be humble, forgiving and patient and it surely helps to live a fulfilling life down in the plains.
7. I trek because I learn to appreciate life!
8. I trek as I get a chance to explore the world beyond the cities or beyond my comfort zone.
9. I trek because I literally get to learn the value of a breath! The value of Living!
10. I trek as it brings me the pleasure of being one with the mountains, the rivers, the sky, the earth, the wind....
11. I trek because it makes my dreams come true of achieving the unachievable and makes way for a hell lot of memories.
12. I trek because at the end of it, I am stronger(not physically ;) ) and a much better person(I hope so)
13. I trek so that I get to see a whole new me during the trek and of course after the trek as well.
14. I trek because I love the Mountains!
15. I trek because even after treading and toiling in narrow, rugged, rocky, slippery, uphill, downhill paths......... the mountains give you amazing, spectacular and fabulous views!
16. I trek because I find myself after getting lost!
17. I trek as it helps to see my problems in a different way and the fact that they no longer remain problems after I get back to the plains!
18. I trek as I get to interact with people from a different culture, country, age group, perspectives but who are treading on the same path as me.
19. I trek because I want to feel the magic of nature.
20. I trek as I get to feel the silence of the mountains, and that place is what I call heaven!
Thanks to the treks to Goecha La Pass in Sikkim and the unfinished(owing to bad weather) trek to Stok Kangri in J&K, I have got the courage to look upon life with my heart and discover the unknown but thanks to my mind for playing an eminent role in helping me through those treks when physically I was broken.
Well this is why I trek and hope to do so in the near future as well. ('Hoping against hope hopen')
I am sure trekkers out there would resonate the same feeling as above but for those who have not tried trekking and are keen..... all I would say is, 'Go for it and experience the mountains..... for you never know, you may find what you have been looking for all your life.'
"Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in an office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain" - Jack Kerouac