Kingston is an important historical city in Ontario Province of Canada located 275 km east of Toronto. Its claim to historical fame rests on the fact that a little under 200 years ago, political fortunes of whole of Canada were decided at Kingston. For four years starting 1841, Kingston was the capital of the then United Province of Canada. Besides this, Fort Henry was the big military fortification of those days with many cannons located at the top of the Fort aiming in different directions for protection of Kingston, and Canada too, in the event of any foreign invasion. Kingston is also Canada's main penitentiary for correctional services.

We started for Kingston from Toronto . After travelling for little over three hours, we reached the outskirts of Kingston and straightway headed for Fort Henry with its strong military fortifications. On the way to the Fort, we crossed the landmark heritage La Salle Causeway Bridge over St. Lawrence River.

Fort Henry takes its name from the then Governor of Quebec. This Fort is quite an imposing structure. Unfortunately, at the time of our visit, the Fort was closed. So we decided to go around the huge and well laid out perimeter of the Fort. First, we climbed to the top of the hill. From that vantage position, we could have a panoramic overview of not only Kingston City, but also the huge St. Lawrence River. In fact it is on this river that we had earlier taken a cruise tour of Thousand Islands. Sitting casually on the sprawling slopes overlooking the St. Lawrence River and enjoying the stream of motorboats, cruise boats, large ships sailing by in the turquoise blue river water below, was in itself a heavenly experience. It was further heightened by the cool strong breeze blowing all the time at that height. The decision to get up and leave for other destinations in Kingston was not easy, so enticing was the scenario from the hilltop. Sitting almost next to the strategically placed cannons, one felt well protected from whatever threats could be there, real or imaginary!

Our next stop was the famous Kingston Penitentiary, which is a part of correctional services in Canada.

After this, we headed towards the famous building in the heart of Kingston, the Kingston City Hall, which less than two hundred years ago was the seat of political power. It was virtually the national capital of Canada for four years starting 1841.

It was time now for a late lunch and then drive back to Toronto!
Memories and images of the famous history of the place kept lingerie in mind for quite some time.