Capsule stay in Japan ????????:
The concept of staying in a capsule hotel in Japan is one of the many eccentric things synonymous with the country – and therefore I had to try it. ????
The intention of a capsule hotel is to provide quick, basic and budget accommodation in Japan based on the concept of a one night stay, and an option for those not looking for the luxury and full amenities of a standard business hotel. But over the years this concept has evolved with a mix of comfort and quirkiness. ????
Book and Bed is a small, 30-bed hostel where I got to sleep in snug little cubbies/capsules hidden between library shelves laden with books.
It costs around $40-$75 a night. Each room comes with a simple mattress and reading light. There’s also free Wi-Fii.
There's nothing better than cozying up in bed with a good book… or, as in the case of this Japanese hostel, a few thousand of them.