Phe Phe Falls
Another falls that leaves you mesmerized, located in Jaintia hills, while heading towards Krangsuri Falls, is Phe Phe or Phea Phea falls.
It is the two-tier waterfall, and it has its name from the Jaintia word, which translates into Paradise. This fall is no less than a paradise, and what makes this waterfall of Meghalaya thrilling is its location.
The Phe Phe falls is located in the backdrop of the blue sky and the ranges of the hills, layered with light and shadow. Visiting the falls will give you the perfect feeling of entering heaven’s realm. This place is hidden even to locals.
How to Reach
The impressive Phe Phe waterfall is located 20 kilometers from the Jowai toward Krangsuri Falls. To reach the fall, you can take sumo to Jawai from any taxi stand in Shillong.
The trek will be around 2-3 hours, and one must cross the small river by kayak to reach the falls. The terrains are plain; from there, it descends steeply to get to Paradise falls. Overnight camping is also available. Click here for more details.
Best Time to Visit
Even though the waterfall is accessible throughout the year, the best time to visit is from September to April. It is a perennial waterfall that never dries up.