18th Sep 2019
Photo of KANHERI CAVES! by Akash Gupta
Day 1

Kanheri caves-It’s a one time must visit place for every traveller! You can reach this place by trekking for 1.5 hrs through the amazing beauty of Sanjay Gandhi National Park,enjoying the views of the beautiful place!

The Kanheri Caves (Kānherī-guhāḥ) are a group of caves and rock-cut monuments cut into a massive basalt outcrop in the forests of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, on the island of Salsette in the western outskirts of Mumbai, India. They contain Buddhist sculptures and relief carvings, paintings and inscriptions, dating from the 1st century BCE to the 10th century CE. The cave complex comprises one hundred and nine caves, carved from the basalt rock and dating from the 1st century BCE to the 11th century CE.