We have started from Delhi and we have reached Nainital in 7 hours first thing we have done funny as we were started to find a washroom and we haven't got one so we have started In open and the feeling was awesome you are doing loo and the fresh breeze is mesmerizing you.now we have checked in to our hotel had breakfast and started our day in Nainital people used to book cars, they will take you to all the places and will charge around 1000 it's up to you how good you are in bargaining. Cars can be any type ours was alto so first we went to Mall road we have started from there .
There are multiple hotels you can check in tariff varies from 800 to your avakat 😜.so it depends on you
We have checked in a Oyo room which was situated in Mall road .
Boat riding in Nainital
Boat riding a good fun they usually charge between 200 to 250
There are places like lovers point ,khur patal ,Bheem tal,where you can go and yes the most important thing food
There are many restaurant you can try Mall road ones are good but you should have a heavy wallet.
Now Nainital is a good place for every nature loving person its a 1 or 2 day trip.