A winter trip is a wonderful fairy tale . it's snowing the bonfire is burning and you're sitting all frozen up in a tent thinking why you haven't gone somewhere to the tropical countries on your vacation if you don't want to turn into the snow queen during your vacation use this compilation of Winter Travel Packs
A loyal suitcase is a Traveller's best friend
while traveling your sweaters and other warm clothes go straight into the suitcase don't forget winter medicines winter weather is dangerous this is why you should take care of everything and take flu remedies in addition to the regular one gather them in a separate ziplock bag and don't forget about a spare set of hat and gloves put an extra set into your suitcase it won't take up loads of space if you lose or get your gloves and hat wet you will have the spare ones on
But what if my suitcase gets dirty damaged or what's worse I won't be
able to recognize it in a pile of other black suitcases and it'll wait for its owner all alone at the station I won't let it happen I'm going to make a suitcase cover take an old sweater you don't wear anymore and pull it onto your suitcase cut off the sleeves turn the sweater inside out and hot glue the sleeve holes then decorate the cover hot
glue small pom-poms in a heart shape my luggage will definitely stand out from the crowd with a cover like this and a bulky suitcase turns into a colorful accessory .
Portable Power Bank
We have downloaded map apps to our phones but phone batteries
are so unpredictable in winter they run low when you least expect it take a portable power bank so that your phone doesn't turn off all of a sudden remember not to leave it in your suitcase put the power bank in your backpack as a matter of fact a phone runs low two times faster in winter be ready it's so good to be in a comfy tent in the forest.
Taking Care of Boots
Some winter magic and voila your dreams come true a whole
forest has grown up around us as in a fairy tale spruce trees snow banks a bonfire and snow right into my friends boots and how should we dry them up it's easy take a long shoot drier when you go
on a winter trip it will dry your wet boots quickly and you won't get a runny nose you're dreaming my friend we are in a forest in a tent what do you want to plug an electric shoe dryer into a tree hollow there is only one shoe dryer available a bonfire watch out don't burn your shoelaces the boots are getting dry but i got one more life hack you can take out water repelling spray apply it to your boots and wear them dry throughout your trip we enjoy sitting near a bonfire drinking whiskey and winter was created specifically for this .
Extra Clothing
remember about our next life hack when you get dressed remember to wear a few layers of your clothes in winter in this way you won't get cold when it's cold outdoors at the same time you can take one piece of clothing off when you get hot to be comfortable you won't get too hot or too cold the bonfire faded away my friend went to get some firewood and I'm sitting in a tent all alone covered in snow and
freezing don't turn your winter vacation into the frozen audition my friend comes back with firewood and finds a snowman inside of the tent instead of his friend it's time to warm it up wrap the snowman into a blanket a little better it can turn into a human again take the icy hat off and put on a hood it'll keep you warm
I'm a bad skier it's because the Sun is blinding my eyes
in order to look like a pro on ski slopes don't forget to take your
sunglasses on your winter trip they'll protect you from snow blindness and even if you fall no one will recognize you in that ski ninja outfit to verify your identity and not to lose your phone tickets and other documents keep them in a small belt bag as a result all your necessities will always be within easy reach .
Ear Phone
Even on a ski slope the only problem you may reach it faster than a mobile network my phone is ringing I've been dreaming oh gosh I'm on vacation get some earplugs if you don't want any unnecessary sounds to annoy you during your sleep just put them into your ears and enjoy your catnap right up to the moment .
Use Cable Ties
One life hack use cable ties in order to get your bicycle tires prepared for winter attach a cable tied to the tire and tie it up cut off the excess glazed Frost is just a piece of cake to me with this bicycle I can easily ride along snow-covered trails the most pleasant part after a trip is taking a stroll down memory lane of the wonderful vacation .
It's all about enjoying your trip write in your comments how you get ready for winter vacation which of my life hacks have come in handy .