Travelling these days is so stressful. One is not sure of the covid rules on the states, countries or airlines. The vaccine that we so eagerly took seems to be only for our mental peace and government data.We still need PCR😶. On top of it when things seem getting almost bearable, out pops another mutation. We were yet to say goodbyes to delta when omicron made its entry. FOMO is real ,folks!⏳
So how do you lessen the pain of almost nil travelling?
Despair not my friends, there are still ways to enjoy the joys of travelling.

1.Staycations- A relatively new word in our travelling dictionary.Its been around but gained more popularity in last 2 years.
So, what do you do?
You just explore your own city, town, village, galli….many of us found joy in visiting our local attractions-the temples, parks ,libraries, restaurants, café ,colleges….. Suddenly, social media was awash with post about having found this hidden jewel or that unexplored marvel! And it was worth it to go to these familiar yet forgotten nooks with our families and friends .The thankfullness that we are together was worth it.
So explore your own backyard before dashing off to unknown lands overseas.
2.Blogs-Oh what joy they give us, what hopes!!if this person can do this then so can we.
Of course as genuine blogs get more popular, they loose their common man charm and acquire that star glaze with photoshoots in designer clothes and sponsored posts but still they do manage to give us thar thrill and dreams about visiting those exotic places ek din.Find the one which speaks to you and read on.
3.Old travel photos- Well ,now we click million photos but never even get time to see those ourself except those which we posted in our social media. Travelling was much more than those doctored pictures we posted on FB or Insta. Now,is the right moment to go through those pictures and loose yourself in nostalgia . Suddenly, long forgotten incidents flood in and you are transported for few seconds to that marvelous moment in some equally marvelous attraction.

4.Experementing with food- Well, the first lockdown led to so many spirited challenges by Indian women -right from saree challenge to innovation with ParleG biscuits. Then we lost the stream and did not know what to do. So why not have holiday food challenge.
Cook up or order something you enjoyed in some past holiday.As you eat, reminiscence about those payaj ke kachori of Ajmer or the lemon gelatos of Florence .Ahh... food coma will give you happy dreams of those places you have been missing as you stay house bound.

5.Travel realia-We all buy some mementos of our travel, some postcards, some fridge magnets…. Lets dust them and relish the rush of joy they bring as our mind recounts the the places we got them from. Let us feel proud of those places we budgeted, planned, travelled as well as of now dustfree fridge magnets!
6.Lets talk travel-These days our own extended family don’t want to hear about our travel exploits but strangers do. So be part of travel groups and forums and recall past and present travels .Be generous and offer your help in form of advice, suggestions ,recommendations etc. Many won’t pay heed to what you suggest but a small bunch will go and explore that dhabba because you recommended it on some forum. Take heart dear ones, the world is still not full or narcissists who are all about me me…. People still respect and admire you for your adventurous spirit.
7.Daydream with open eyes-This piece came out from the frustration of cancelling a long cherished travel dream but I prefer to look at silver lining.🌈 So busy counting the moolah that I will save and add to my kitty for that even bigger and forever cherished travel goal. So can you. Sure lockdowns was hard on millions who lost their loved ones, their jobs….but for few of the lucky ones who did not get the opportunity of spending on mindless shopping and eating out, it meant saving a substantial amount. Plan now and fulfill later. This covid will go away….in a year or too ---sigh…but it will surely go away and then you will find all the chance to visit your dream place.Use the time you have a hard to plan few quick trips, weekend trips and some longer ones.When things are back to normal use your savings and off you go.✈

8.Books-This one is the last from my side.I love books and am sure you do too.As teenager I read substantial amount of Mills and Boons.Aside from making me dreamy eye ,these introduced me to amazing new places-excoti Fiji island,the calm Lake district ,the hustle bustle of Hong Kong....I credit my love for travelling to these books.Then there was Reader Digest which too managed to flame the passion of travelling with simple realistaion that people are same everywhere with same hopes and fears.Now I am indulging in few books that keep the flame alive and are eduactive too. Win Win !
I am sure you too have found something that helps you bear this pain.The unbearable itch in your feets.
Is it movies?I love Satellite Shankar
Is it Social media platform-my latest discovery is TravelAwaits-such appropriate name.
Find something that gives you hope!
Good travels times will be here soon guys!