04 May 2019
We started our journey at 5:00 in the morning from my green village Sonwadi which is located in Navsari District in the state of Gujarat. Our main objective of this trip was to see Beyond Planet exhibition which is exhibited by NASA in the science center Ahmedabad. It started in January and which will be in Ahmedabad till 11 May 2019.
On day first we visited the science center. We were 3 person me my wife and my daughter. The science center is good but still at the maintenance part lot of can be done. The sustainable model must be adopted
to maintain. . It means after help from Government organization or NGO for building any capital the maintenance cost must be covered from fees and other options. Current fees are so low and the infrastructure built is so huge that it is impossible to create sustainable project with current fees.
The area is huge diveded into different parts classified as per the subject. There are different buildings/ blocks for each subject they are names as Hall of science, imax, rides, electro etc.
If you are interested in science you will need atleast one day to visit and to understand in detail.