I just want to travel, get away from this monotony called life. Travel to new and unknown places. To places where no one knows me, to places no one ever will. To the smallest of towns and villages in the farthest corners of the world and its big bustling cities.
I want to sit in the balcony of a tiny hotel room all snuggled up and have a steaming hot chocolate on a chilly evening.
I want to meet new people, people who look nothing like me, people who know nothing I know but people who know everything I don’t. I want to meet people who don’t speak the same language I do, and I want to talk to them about life. About life and all its joys and sorrows, its happiness and its sadness, its laughter and its tears, about hope and about our fears, and about love and about heartbreak.
On a scorching summer afternoon, I want to sip on a beer in a modest roadside café.
I want to ride on the most seductive roads, passing by the most enchanting places. Pass by these places being fascinated about the magical things it has seen and the inspiring things it has to say. I want to ride in the countryside and on the best expressways ever made, in sand and in the muck, ride in the rain and ride when the blazing sun is out in all its glory. More than anything else, I want to get drenched riding through the chilly little streams flowing down the mountainside.
One night I want to lay in a hammock with nothing but the vast open sky above me. Me and the stars all so high, and they shine so bright like never before. Stars so bright that I effortlessly dream about the stories they want to tell me.
I want to travel to my most favourite city and choose a small corner to sit in. A small corner from where I see the whole world go by. A corner that gives me a tiny glimpse into the life’s of the people passing by. Or be simply lost in my own thoughts. Thoughts about everything and thoughts about nothing at all. About the universe and everything within it, about peace and about war. Thoughts about my mother, about all the people who mean the world to me and about people I mean the world to.
And above all, thoughts about you.
In the mountains I want to wake up early to a bright and sunny morning. A morning so radiant, so peaceful and so pure that I become overcome by gratitude.
Gratitude for the life I’ve been given.
And gratitude for everything I am;
And for everything I ever will be.