Visit to Mangeshi

#SwipeRightToTravel Goa isn’t just about fishes and liquor. Goa isn’t just about churches and beaches. Goa is about temples as well. I am a spiritual person. Personally I don’t like beaches. I am vegetarian and a teetotaler. So no wonders that when I visit Goa it is the temples of Goa which attract me the most. Built in typical coastal style Goan temples have had a great impact upon me. In this post I am going to introduce you to few of the temples in Goa which I have visited.

At a walkable distance from Shantadurga’s shrine is Mangusehi temple. It is located at Priol. It was originally at Kushasthali also know as Cortalim. Manguesh is believed to the incarnation of Lord Shiva. The lingam of the God is flanked by two sturdy guards known as dwarpalas.