What are the check-in and check-out times at Moustache Woods of Kausani?


The check-in and check-out times of Moustache Woods of Kausani are 12:00 pm and 10:00 am respectively, In case of any early check-in requests you must call on their IVR no. and the team will be able to serve your requests.

Photo of What are the check-in and check-out times at Moustache Woods of Kausani? 1/1 by Rajat Devyal

The Woods of Kausani Hills in the Kausani slope station, Uttrakhand is the most serene spot you can discover. Found somewhat a long way from the fundamental market. It is an ideal escape with family or companions. Where the Mustache Woods of Kausani is arranged at the Kausani slope station really busy beguiling pine timberlands. The camping area holds four lovely swiss tents with connected washrooms and a bed, alongside an agreeable bungalow to give you extravagance between absolute harmony.