Words that every traveller should have in their vocabulary.

26th May 2020
Photo of Words that every traveller should have in their vocabulary. by Nilanjan Roy


Hey there travellers, hope all of you are doing fine amidst the lockdown.
Here I am sharing some travel words that every traveller should have in their vocabulary to make their travel blogs and captions more interesting and worth giving a read.

1). Wayfarer- Someone who travels, especially by foot.

2). Numinous- Describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted.

3). Nemophilist- A haunter of the woods, one who loves the forest, it's beauty and solitude.

4). Sonder- The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

5). Fernweh- A craving for travel. Being homesick for a place you have never been before.

6). Wanderlust- A strong, inner, impulse or desire to travel the world.

7). Vagary- An unpredictable instance, a wandering journey: A whimsical, wild or unusual idea, desire or action.

8). Hodophile- Lover of roads, or better, love of travel.

9). Peregrinate- Travel or wander around from place to place.

10). Solivagant- Wandering alone.

A humble request to all my fellow travellers to avoid travelling in this phase of pandemic. And for all your future travels, be a RESPONSIBILE TRAVELLER.