Dear Mr/Mrs Reader,
It’s my honour to warmly introduce you in #multiculti blog . So, yeah, sit comfortably in your rocking chair, pour up your ginger tea with the boiling water, and immerse into the reading of this story. It’s not going to be a bestseller, it’s just a brainstorm and emotion burst of two young guys who have uncompromisingly and unconditionally felt in love with travelling some time ago. Here is the resume of the trip me and my good friend Thanh Do Long (sorry for not using the correct Vietnamese letters ????)we made for the very first time together.

All this began on 7th November while sitting above my book of Forensic medicine. I had to sacrifice myself not to think about the sick & cold weather, tiredness of nightmares of an upcoming exam and Monday! ( #IjusthateMonday) and focus on studying. Yeah, and Thanh could feel this is not going to be easy with me (never it is, and I worship his courage to support me) and was watching me while working on his laptop. He could recognise inconspicuous nuances in my mood and knew something is spinning in my mind.
“Hey Thanh, let’s make something crazy. I’m tired of being at this place for two months long. I need to feel I’m still alive. This city is killing me.”
“Ehh, what about making a trip?”
“Eeeeeeh, I don’t know, it takes a lot of time, a lot of money, and I should better study.”
“So? Going to gym?”
“Budapest. This weekend.”
And this is how it all began. Nothing special. Just a decision and perfect fellow for your passion. So, we did it. Booked some tickets , made a reservation on Airbnb (first time in my life and it was awesome!), asked my followers on Instagram for places worth to see, and we fell impatience until Friday afternoon.

We arrived to the pearl of Hungarian puszta and get off our bus at the main station and had to change it to subway. A bit confused about buying a proper ticket we asked people for help. The rough reality: 3/3 people not speaking English. I just rolled my eyes but Thanh assured me it’s gonna be fun so we could speak with mouth open and nobody understood. Haha, it was true! So we trifled a bit, I’m sorry Hungarians ????
At the same night, we decided to visit Margaret Island and enjoy the view of the Danube in the reflexion of city lights. Simply awesome, what do you think?
Next morning we refused to have breakfast in our flat, as we wanted to make it #foodstagram morning (of course this is a joke). We ordered this high caloric food (scrambled eggs a la italiano with the strong espresso hashtag coffeeaddict) in this posh 4*/5* recommended restaurant according to FourSquare. For sure, we recommend Két Szerecsen Bisztró és Kávéház !

Full of energy we stepped outside to the rainy Budapestian streets. We prepared the travel guide in our Trello dashboard before. Firstly, we aimed to St. Stephen’s Basilica ( duty if tripping in Budapest) It was windy, rainy and disgusting weather but the view from the top was just worth to it.
The next idea was to visit Buda Castle and Fisherman’s Bastille. Simply gorgeous ???????? but painful when we realised we aren’t able to hold the button for our camera and we are suffering by frostbites in our hands. But gorgeous!

And after this chilly hell we made it directly to baths. Budapest is the city of spas and Thanh invited me to the one very close to our location- Rudas Baths. We spent three hours of absolute relax that healed our numb and frozen bodies. Superb time, couldn’t be better than this! Thank you, my friend ????

The second night we spent with two cute and smart guys I followed on Instagram one year ago. They showed us the nightlife of Budapest in Szimpla Kert. By entering the main entrance the another world appeared to us. Seems like a Diagon Alley of Harry Potter, the town in town- many pubs, local shops, souvenirs, people hanging out, drinking peculiar cocktails, different music in different corners. Everything in two rowhouses connected by prehistoric metal stairs. Unforgettable night. Unfortunately ????????

The last morning was quite melancholic. We felt it was time to pack up because our Blablacar was planned at 5pm. So we tried to put the maximum in last hours of our trip- I dreamed of visiting Szechenyi Baths. We just passed by, and I knew this was not my last time in Budapest. We’ve been sightseeing the small streets of the capital with our friends. Heroes Square, Szépmuvészeti Museum, Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert, Hungarian Parliament building, Mexican Restaurant (I may try this green sauce….no worries, I’m friendly with jalapeños…Okay, I AM DRAGON! :D) Budapest Christmas markets. Sweet time, rainbow unicorns and glitters. And then it came the moment- I looked at my XiaoMi3 smartphone. And 4:25pm.

“Thanh, we have to go home, pack up, and run to Blablacar place.”
“Ok, what is the time?”
“Don’t ask this, just run.” He understood. We had to pack up all the stuff in 5 minutes and find the route to the point A.
“Thanh, you have 2 minutes to find the fastest way to get there.”
“Are you serious? This is impossible.”
“Everything is possible. So sh*t up and find the way. You are an IT student! ????)”
Both of us felt the tension like there was a precollapse of a volcano in a calm sea. But we had to cooperate. We just couldn’t blame each other if we wanted to succeed this impossible challenge. In 6 minutes we were prepared to leave the flat, put the keys in the post box and run (Thanh could finish his job in 2 minutes as I told him ???? ) He started running who knows where. I asked him if he knows the way. His sight gave me the answer. I felt like a dead person so I decided not to talk anymore. I showed him the route and we started running. THIS WAS SO CRAZY!

We get on a subway. I called the driver we may be late for 10 minutes. I knew it wouldn’t be only 10 mins but who cared at that time. Ooops, we forgot to buy tickets for the subway. Thanh caught my hand and got off the subway. He could see the inspection of tickets. What to do now. We had no time. We were just running somewhere in the unknown city in a belief of a miracle. It happened. Thanh found a woman selling the tickets, gave her money and we were running again. I couldn’t understand what’s going on. It was like a stunt show. We had to overcome so many barriers- one by one. But we found the correct subway finally. We stopped at 5:10pm by meeting the driver who just came for us. Challenge accepted! I couldn’t believe this happened to us. I couldn’t believe we made this in 30 minutes. I couldn’t understand the perfect cooperation with Thanh. It was just flawless. We completed each other.
And yeah, that was our first travelling experience. We spent unforgettable moments in beautiful Budapest that remains in our memories. I can’t wait which place comes to my way!

This blog was originally published on '#multiculti'