This time during my visit to Chhattisgarh ,I had a chance to visit Sirpur. Though Sirpur is recommend as one of the places to visit while i Chhattisgarh, it is not so popular as evident from a lack of tourists when I was there. People usually head to Bastar region and the waterfalls in Chhattisgarh.
There’s nothing fancy about Sirpur. It is a small town located on the banks of the river. And yet, it is quite fascinating to visit the place.It has a rustic charm. You will feel you have time traveled back some fifty years.

And most interestingly the place is seeped in history. India is a such a rich country when it comes to culture ,is quite evident when one visits Sirpur. Old relics are found nearly everywhere . The town is littered with plenty of temples. Some of them need restoration work. There are historical statues and stone work found right across the corner.
It seems an old city has just been excavated from the historical time and placed in our age. How many times do we get to experience this in a fast paced world.

images and words © siddharth jain