HONESTLY, This year was full of twists and turns .
In the beginning it was full of fun and thrill , dancing to the rhythms of life, that joy of singing weird song out loud sitting beside the bonfire, no masks to wear (which I'm serious imma throw it like we throw graduation caps ,huh)

Jaipur Literature Festival

from getting an impromptu haircut 😆 to roaming the city, eating , and going to different cafes ,walking in crowded streets where i could look at peoples faces and sometimes guess what thier story is , sharing one coconut water , sitting free with no mask ,i could close my eyes feel the breeze on my face sitting in an auto rushing back home.

everything was so fineee until this one day 😂 HEY IT'S ME CORONA ,HERE TO TWIST AND TURN YOUR OH SO HAPPENING LIFE 🤣
For a while I was in shock after this sudden lockdown ,got nothing to do and sometimes didn't want to do anything .
This year thought me to find happiness in the very little things like a perfect cup of tea, talking for hours and you wouldn't know how the time passed, trying something new and you know , JUST BEING
Somedays were extremely frustrating I would just wait for the day to end ,somedays I had to give myself self-affirmations push myself to do something and not just sit around sulking thinking of how much better it would be if COVID just minded it's own business😂 .
I tried to find things that gave me satisfaction and helped in keeping calm ,

learnt to paint
also learnt a few tricks with skipping rope and hula hoop which I will share soon on my IG feed
AND the best part of this lockdown were my two birds Cheeku and Mango
also I DIYed a clear cat carrier bag for my babies when we went to Shimla .
Thank you @clubmahindra for a safe stay during this difficult time.
After all , this year wasn't that bad or wass it?
(if you have reached here , i love you ❤ for reading this and do share it 😉)
hey wait CORONA is still lurking around so you better be safe .