As Per personal Trip Experience, I made a complete list of Must have stuff while going on Ladakh trip.
Each and everything is very crucial..
Firstly, I will share the highlight point.
Down to That i Will share in Details..!!
Highlight of Things to Know for Carrying Clothes on Ladakh Trip :-
1. Medical Kit
2. Wearable Items
3. Eatable Stuff
4. Toiletries
5. Some Must have stuff
- Moov/Iodex
- Dettol/ Savlon
- Headache Medicine
- Dizziness and body pain Medicine
- Disprin/Aspirin
- Band-Aids
- Medicine to suffice lack of oxygen
- Imodium
- Diamox
- Stomach ache medicine
2. Wearable Items:
For protection from sun and UV-rays:
- Goggles
- Sunscreen Lotion with high SPF(30 or above)
- Mustard Oil (for applying in nostrils as it can become dry and painful due to dry and cold winds of Ladakh)
- Lip Balm/ Vaseline
- Gloves for bikers
- Mufler
- Caps
- Water/Wind proof jacket
Cloths :-
- Jackets/Pullovers/Sweaters
- Woolen socks
- Light trouser/ t-shirt
3. Eatable Stuff:
- Carry Glucose, chocolates, Nuts and other stuff which u want to carry.
- Carry Pickle As Ladakh Food Is Bland.
4. Toiletries:
- Facewash/Paper Soap
- Tooth brush/ Tooth paste
- Wet tissue/Dry tissue (NOTE: Carry lots of tissue paper as tissues are expensive in leh)
- Moisturizer / Comb
5. Some Must have stuff:
- Carry your ID-card and some photocopies of it
- Medical Insurance (if any)
- Map of Ladakh
- List of important contacts on a paper as phone batteries may die there quickly.
- Chargers of your phone
- Extra battery if you have any for your camera as in cold envy batteries die quickly.
- Carry enough memory cards for your camera.
- If possible 3 socket Belkin surge Protector (as there might be few charging points and we all want to charge either our phones or camera batteries)
- Carry enough cash so that we would not end-up in wasting time in front of ATM (NOTE: Long queues in Leh in front of ATM)
-Your travel agent contact details.
- Only BSNL-postpaid connection works there…so may be few of us can buy and all of us can use it.
- Also suggest if anything else is on your mind.
Pack your bags now! It’s time to get some thrill in leh ladakh.
Pack your bags now! It’s time to get some thrill in leh ladakh...
Happy Journey.. ✌️
Rajnikant singh